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Three projects of students of Stavropol SAU will be financed by “Rosmolodezh”

Socially significant initiatives “Save Life”, “Adaptation” and “The Team of Trainers of Students of the Stavropol Territory” are ready to be carried out by the winners of the competition of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs Antonov Kirill, Nikonova Yana and Kuzminova Yuliya.
On February 9, within the walls of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, a meeting of the competitive commission took place, at which the results were summed up and the winners of the All-Russian competition of youth projects among individuals were identified. The amount of the grant fund of the correspondence stage of the contest in 2018 amounted to 235 million roubles. Applications for participation in it were submitted by 7809 people from 85 subjects of the Russian Federation. Projects were submitted and 7735 people were admitted to the competition.
As a result of intense competition, three students from Stavropol State Agrarian University entered the competition. Among them there are two representatives of students’ youth of the Accounting and Finance Faculty. A second-year student Antonov Kirill will receive a grant of 300 thousand roubles for the implementation of the project “Save life”, which is a quest for first aid and behaviour in emergency situations.
- The targeted audience will be high school students, students of colleges and universities of the Stavropol Territory, - said Kirill. - The project “Save life” was developed in conjunction with the Regional Fire and Rescue Service and includes 15 different stations where participants will not only have a theoretical but also practical knowledge of how to provide first aid in emergency situations of various levels of danger.
- Thanks to the grant of 100 thousand roubles on the educational project “The Team of Student Coaches of the Stavropol Territory” it will be possible to solve the problem of the lack of competent youth coaches, - says Jana Nikonova, a fourth-year student of the Accounting and Finance Faculty and she assures that 60 representatives of active youth will be trained on the basis of the alma mater within 4 months. Upon completion of its project, participants will acquire specific skills and knowledge in the field of non-formal education and each will receive the status of a regional youth coach.
But the second-year student of the Faculty of Agro Biology and Land Resources Yulia Kuzminova is ready to teach the life skills of students from Stavropol orphanages, so that the children would be easier to adapt after graduation. Not without reason, her project, which received a grant for 300 thousand roubles, is called “Adaptation”.
We wish all successful students success and worthy implementation of such significant social initiatives!

Дата новости для фото:  14.02.2018 11:15:00
Номер новости для фото:  1

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