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The first scientific victory

The diploma of the winner of the II degree for the first conducted research is in the hands of Kravchenko Vlada. A student of the Electric Power Department of Stavropol State Agrarian University is enthusiastically studying ferrite microwave devices.
Under the guidance of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Assistant Professor of Physics Kopylova O.S., the student of the Electric Power Faculty Kravchenko Vlada became the silver winner of the IV International Scientific and Practical Competition "Scientific achievements and discoveries - 2018".
The contest, organized by the International Center for Scientific Cooperation "Science and Education" (Penza), is designed to promote the effective development of science and innovation, the integration of Russian science into the world information science space and the dissemination of scientific knowledge.
When asked why the subject of her first research Vlada chose ferrite microwave devices, the student answers:
- Modern navigation and communication, television, physical studies of matter, biological analysis, applied medicine and other fields of science and technology are inconceivable without the microwave range equipment. Such devices consist of three basic elements: a transmission line, a ferrite element, a magnetizing system. The main task of these devices is to control the microwave wavelengths between the generator and the antenna. The part between the generator and the antenna is called the feeder.
- Devices can control the following wave characteristics: direction, amplitude, phase and polarization plane. Having taken a great interest in this subject, I tried to understand the physics of the phenomena occurring inside such devices, - Vlada explained.
The management of the Electric Power Faculty and classmates warmly congratulated the student on her first research victory and wished her to continue her scientific search without stopping at the achieved result.

Дата новости для фото:  20.02.2018
Номер новости для фото:  2

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