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At the regional championship "Young Professionals - 2018" (World Skills Russia) in the profile of training the working profession "Winemaker"

Teachers of the Stavropol State Agrarian University actively participate in the Championships "Young Professionals - 2018" as experts and main competence experts (mentors), as well as observers.
From February 12 to 14, the regional championship "Young Professionals - 2018" was held on the basis of the "Praskoveisky Agrotechnical College" on the basis of the SBPEI, at which the future winemakers competed. As an observer, the Head of the Department of Production and Processing of Food Products from vegetable raw materials of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources of the State Agrarian University Elena Semenovna Romanenko was invited to the championship.
Winemaker is an expert who not only understands the sense in wine, but also knows exactly what the certain taste of the finished product depends on. In fact, the range of professional competences of winemakers is quite wide. In fact, they are engaged in everything related to the production of wine: starting with the search for soil under the plantation, harvesting grapes and ending with tasting. And since the success of the winery depends to a very large extent on the talent and knowledge of the chief technologist, the young specialist on the way to leading positions has to prove his professional solvency.
- This opportunity was given to five students of the Praskovey Agricultural Technology College - participants of the championship "Young Professionals - 2018", - said the observer E. S. Romanenko and commented:
- In a difficult competition, students consistently fulfilled the tasks of each module. Future winemakers were required, for example, to implement the grapes. To do this, it was necessary to perform analyzes of the components set out in the regulatory documentation. Then it was necessary to calculate the parameters of the composition of the blend, to blend the wine materials and filter the resulting blend. After this, it is necessary to prepare an analysis of the blended wine material for physicochemical and organoleptic indicators. In conclusion, the participants of the championship conducted distillation of wine materials for cognac alcohol.

Дата новости для фото:  20.02.2018
Номер новости для фото:  11

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