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The team of SSAU is a prize-winner of traditional competitions "Ah well, guys!"

The team of the student sport club "Kolos" successfully performed in sports competitions timed to the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland.
On February 17, on the basis of the sports complex Sports and Recreation Center "Rus" the participants of the competitions tried their hand at 12 individual standings, trying to prove themselves in the disciplines: "Gyria", "Jump", "Automatic", "Armrestling", "Squats", "Turnik" , "Bars", "Bar", "Push-ups", "Press", "Tilt" and "Skipping rope". The traditional tug of war was unfolded on the team stand.
Stavropol SAU was represented by the team of the student sports club Kolos. As a result of the performance of the participants of the competitions on the individual scoring platforms, the leaders in each category were identified.
Representatives of the Agrarian University have performed with dignity, having won prizes in the following categories:
- Khachik Asirbabyan (nomination "Press"), Yakhyaev Islam (nomination "Automatic") and Alexey Tolokonnikov (nomination "Jump") took the first three places;
- two second places were won by Aliy Uzdenov for "Push-up" and Vyacheslav Tolstoukhov for "Army press";
- 3rd place was awarded to the "Russian Press" by Nikolai Korshunov.
All the winners and prize-winners were awarded with diplomas and medals of the appropriate nominations, as well as gifts from the partners of the event. As a result of the competition "Ah well, guys!" Athletes-agrarians won the 2nd place in the team event.

Дата новости для фото:  21.02.2018
Номер новости для фото:  3

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