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On the problems of egg poultry farming in the Stavropol Territory at the official level


Scientists of the faculties of technological management, electric power and veterinary medicine of the Stavropol State University took part in the outreach meeting of the Stavropol Territory Duma Committee on agrarian and land issues, food and ecology, which was held in the Agricultural Academy "Poultry Farm Kumskaya". The Agrarian University is ready to participate in the development of the departmental target program for the development of egg poultry farming in the province.

On February 20 in the Agricultural Academy "Poultry Farm Kumskaya" in the village Novozavedennoe of Georgievsky District hosted an outreach meeting of the Duma Committee for Stavropol Territory on agrarian and land issues, food and ecology under the chairmanship of Bogachev Ivan Andreevich. The focus was on the key issue "On the status and prospects of poultry development in the egg sector in the Stavropol Territory."

Deputy Chairman of the Duma of the Stavropol Territory Goncharov V.I., Chairman of the Committee for Food and Processing Industry, Trade and Licensing G.P. Mironycheva, Minister of Agriculture of the Stavropol Territory V.N. Sitnikov, Deputy Head of the Regional Agrarian Department A.V. Rudenko participated in the meeting, Chairman of the Agricultural Academy "Poultry Farm Kumskaya" Dolgov I.R., Director of the Mariinskaya Poultry Factory Vinnikov S.V., Director of the Grachevskaya Poultry Factory Anosov V.I., Director of the "Pticecomplex Alliance" Korobko D.I. From SSAU participants in the meeting were Professor of the Department of Private Animal Husbandry, Breeding and Breeding Animals Epimahova E.E., Chair of Therapy and Pharmacology Professor Orobets V.A. and Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Automation and Metrology, Associate Professor Vorotnikov I.N.

The Administration of the Agricultural Academy "Poultry Farm Kumskaya" provided an opportunity to visit poultry houses with modern domestic cellular equipment, a forage and egg collection with automatic sorting of eggs in weight categories.

As it was said during the meeting, Russia ranks 5th in the world in the production of eggs of chickens, which are a valuable and socially significant food product. According to statistics in the Stavropol Territory in the 1990's, 14 poultry factories of the egg direction successfully worked, and now only 4! The production of eggs in the year of 2017 in SHP amounted to 239 million pieces, which is 5% below the level of 2016. Our region for the production of eggs is on the 27th place among the subjects of the Federation, producing 1.4% of eggs from the all-Russian level.

In regional poultry farming enterprises the problems of recent years are due to the outstripping growth in the cost of fodder and energy carriers in comparison with the realized prices for eggs, as well as a decrease in their competitiveness compared to similar agricultural production in other regions. At the same time more than 17 million rubles are allocated annually from the regional budget to compensate for objective costs in the production and sale of eggs.

Summing up the results of the meeting, its participants determined the need to develop a departmental target program for the development of egg poultry farming with the involvement of scientists from SSAU which includes technological modernization of enterprises, training of specialists and workers and creation of a modern-level marketing service at enterprises. 

Дата новости для фото:  21.02.2018
Номер новости для фото:  10

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