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We study the basics of banking and the specifics of the bank


On February 20 the third-year students of Finance and Credit of the Accounting and Finance Department of SSAU under the supervision of the teachers of the Department of Financial Management and Banking visited Stavropol regional branch of Rosselkhozbank, the leading credit institution of Stavropol Region.

The criterion for the quality of vocational education is the demand for graduates of educational institutions in the labor market. In conditions of blurring the boundaries between professions, the introduction of a competence approach in education and practice-oriented forms of education, it is required to create a fundamentally new organization of the educational process with the direct involvement of business partners in this activity.

At the beginning of the meeting representatives of the Stavropol regional branch of Rosselkhozbank - the head of the public relations service Karelina Victoria Rostislavovna and the head of the HR department Shapovalova Vera Fedorovna conducted a sightseeing tour for the students for the students.

Then the heads of the bank's structural divisions - the Deputy Director of the branch Leonova Irina Anatolievna and the heads of several departments - Volodina Irina Anatolyevna (sales and service department), Aleksei Alekseevich Sebelev (retail sales department), Natalia Popova (department for the development of the corporate sales department), Anastasia Kolpakova (department for work with clients of large business) told about the peculiarities of the work of these structural divisions of the bank and the functional of subordinate employees.

Then the round table held an open dialogue with the director of the Stavropol regional branch of Rosselkhozbank Tikhomirova Zoya Dmitrievna. The bank's manager told about the results and plans of the leading credit institution of the region, which is a reliable link between the state and agrarians, a strategic partner of the agro-food complex and the entire rural population.

Today the Stavropol branch is represented by 16 structural divisions - additional and operational offices, covering now 54% of the territory of the province and ensuring the availability of the full range of modern banking services and products for both enterprises and organizations and the public.

At the end of the meeting the students of the State Technical University of Ukraine received an invitation for internship and practice in the bank. Such an opportunity, combined with conducting open classes at the production site, allows one to get as close to real work in the credit organization as possible, improve the quality of training of specialists, facilitate employment and shorten the period of adaptation of graduates to the workplace. 

Дата новости для фото:  21.02.2018
Номер новости для фото:  11

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