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"Generation of the Needful"rushes to the gerontological center


On February 19, activists of the Volunteer Detachment "Volunteer" started the implementation of the author's project of the 4th year student of the Accounting and Financial Department of the SSAU of Internal Affairs Inna Kuliyeva.

The goal of the "Generation of the Needful" project, which students of the Agrarian University implements in the Stavropol Gerontological Center, is to accompany elderly people with limited opportunities for outdoor walks, which is so lacking today. Also within the framework of the project there will be organized a leisure system for elderly people living in the center.

At the first stage of the project the fighters of the "Volunteer" detachment underwent a one-day volunteer school organized by the director and psychologists of the Stavropol regional gerontological center. Thanks to the educational program, volunteers learned the rules of communication with various categories of older people, taking into account the peculiarities of health restriction. Upon completion of the training, the students got acquainted with the patients of the center and were able to establish a dialogue with them: they shared personal stories from their own lives and listened to stories about the lives of their wards.

"Spring is ahead, and thanks to a systematic visit to the gerontological center, the activists of the Volunteer Detachment "Volunteer "will be able to provide collective walks through the territory of the center of the people with disabilities living here," said project manager Inna Kuliyeva. "We are sure that every soldier of our unit is able to make at least one grandfather or grandmother a little happier, to give them another reason to smile at the "generation of needful" guys.

Дата новости для фото:  22.02.2018
Номер новости для фото:  3

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