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The Stavropol State University is a participant of the international grant program "Internationalization of Agroengineering Education in Iran and Russia [FARMER]"


Questions on the development of the curriculum of the open master program "Agromekhotronika" and its technical support were discussed by the teachers of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization of the Stavropol State Agrarian University. The first coordination meeting and seminar was held on February 12-16 at the Technical University of Ilmenau, one of the best universities in central Germany.

At the international meeting the Stavropol State Agrarian University was represented by Candidates of Technical Sciences, Associate Professors - Yegor Vladimirovich Kulaev, Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization; Mikhail Vladimirovich Danilov, Head of the Department of Processes and Machines in Agribusiness; Head of the Department of Machinery and Technologies of the Agro-Industrial Complex Dmitry Ivanovich Gritsay, and the Head of the International Relations Department Stanislav Sergeevich Serikov.

The participants of the meeting informed that within the framework of the project financed by the Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture of the European Union (EACEA), with the co-financing of another EU program - Erasmus +, the opening of the international master program "Agromekhotronika" is planned at SSAU. An obvious advantage of the innovation, organized on the basis of the "Agroengineering" training profile, will be the receipt by the undergraduates at the end of this program of a diploma of the European level.

By the way, the program will be implemented in large scale - in two other Iranian and four Russian universities. In addition to SSAU, among the participants there are the Technical University in Babol and the Agrarian University in Sary (Iran); Astrakhan State University, South Ural Technical University (Chelyabinsk), Volgograd Technical University, South-Russian State Polytechnic University named after Platov (Novocherkassk), which will become a coordinator of Russian universities.

The meeting discussed the development of curricula for master's programs, a program for implementing the project and such an important aspect as the technical support of the educational process, including the acquisition of innovative robotic equipment.

As explained by the Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization of Agrarian University Yegor V. Kulaev, the university will have a modern robotic technological complex KUKA and laptop for a total of more than 1.2 million rubles.

For information, KUKA youBot is an omni-directional mobile platform on which a five-degree manipulator with two-finger locking is installed.

"Thus, scientists and students of our agrohouse will have at their disposal the latest hardware basis for testing innovative ideas and scaling knowledge," comments Yegor Vladimirovich. "Thus, researchers will be able to work on a small scale over the main topics that affect "the cognitive factory of the future".

As for what was seen in Germany, the delegation of SSAU, in addition to attending the classes and laboratories of the Technical University of Ilmenau, got acquainted with the unique technological lines of DMG MORI Seebach, the world leader in machine-tool construction.

Дата новости для фото:  22.02.2018 15:00:00
Номер новости для фото:  1

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