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Students of the Stavropol State University are among the fighters of the All-Russian Student Agricultural Squad "Bridge"


Practical experience in the field of modern animal husbandry on the basis of “EkoNiva-APK-Holding” LLC in the Voronezh region will be available to three students of the faculties of Veterinary medicine and Technological management of the State Agrarian University.

The realization of the project of the winter stage of the All-Russian Student Agricultural (Livestock) Detachment "Most" is gaining momentum, it started on February 5. In 2018, student youth from all over Russia started their work in the territory of one of the leading agricultural holdings of the country for milk production - OOO “EkoNivaAgro”. Practical training will be carried out until 30 March.

This winter new land is attended by 35 fighters - agro-students from 15 regions of the country. Among them are the representatives of Stavropol State Agrarian University: Vasily Naboka - he studies at the 3rd course of the faculty of veterinary medicine, Yevgeny Potapov – a student of the 4th year study ("Veterinary"), Karatov Ilaz – studies at the 4th course of the faculty of technological management (​​"Zootechny").

The first three working weeks have already been completed. For the guys they were very interesting and informative. Events for uniting the future team were held. "EkoNiva" prepared for the fighters of the detachment an unusual Welcome-training which was held by Valeria Maslova, a HR manager of the department of training and development. The participants divided into teams and identified the priority goals, interests and personal qualities necessary not only for successful practice, but also for the future employee of “EkoNivaAgro”. Later the fighters of the "Bridge" began to perform various veterinary and zootechnical works, among which - diagnostics, treatment, milking, feeding; these works alternated with attending lectures on modern animal husbandry.

Daily work at such a powerful Russian enterprise will give students a lot of practical skills, and lectures by leading employees will further strengthen the theoretical knowledge of future professionals, especially since the knowledge can immediately be fixed on a living, illustrative example. 

Дата новости для фото:  26.02.2018
Номер новости для фото:  2

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