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Global trends and national challenges of scientific and technological development in the conditions of innovative economy


On February 27, the International Scientific and Practical Conference was held on the basis of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, coincide with the 20th anniversary of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance.

Jubilee as an impulse to development

Young, dynamically developing, focused on improving the quality of educational services - it is in this status that the Faculty of Accounting and Finance of Stavropol State University approached its significant jubilee milestone. Innovative orientation, modern technologies, innovative searches of the faculty staff are highly appreciated by the professional community.

This is evidenced by numerous words of gratitude for long-term mutually beneficial cooperation, voiced by colleagues - leading Russian and foreign scientists, representatives of business communities, legislative, executive and tax authorities, experts in financial and credit institutions and accounting and analytical services of organizations. The high level of training of skilled workers in demand on the labor market was noted by Alexander Dyrenko, the manager of the VTB Bank branch in Stavropol; managing director of the Gazprombank subsidiary of North-Caucasus JSC Alexander Kuritsyn; graduate of SSAU, deputy head of the department of the Federal Tax Service for the Stavropol Krai Elena Smolnikova and other participants of the business and at the same time a festive forum. They wished further professional growth to colleagues and to increase the pace of the faculty development.

"Indeed, the Faculty of Accounting and Finance today is one of the leading faculties of the Stavropol State Agrarian University," rector, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor, a member of the Presidential Council for Science and Education Vladimir Trukhachev confirmed, opening the conference. - There are more than 1600 students studying here. There are 7 departments, 8 research and innovation laboratories in the structure of the faculty. 14 Doctors and 54 Candidates of Science, headed by Dean, Doctor of Economics, Professor Elena Kostyukova, make a worthy contribution to solving the problems of sustainable socio-economic development of the Stavropol Territory.

It should be noted that the innovative and technological foresight center was opened in the accounting and financial department within the framework of the priority project "Universities as centers of innovation creation space", the main purpose of which was to ensure a successful transfer of technology from science to business. However, in order to overcome all the new risks and challenges of time, to continue to open promising horizons responsible efforts are required. Today they should be concentrated on a solid basis of cooperation of leading practitioners and representatives of the innovative scientific community.

Defining as its main task the qualitative training of highly qualified personnel, the Stavropol SAU forms such a space for the professional exchange of intellectual resources and in the conditions of the innovative economy becomes an important link for the development of constructive solutions in the field of improving the scientific and technological development of the region.

Agrarian University is the territory of success

"The international harmonization of accounting and taxation in a globalized economy" was the topic of the main report presented at the conference by Doctor of Economics, Professor, Chairman of the Accounting Standards Board of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, a member of the Public Council of the Ministry of Finance of Russia, President of the Institute of Professional Accountants and Auditors of Russia Lyudmila Horuzhy.

Focusing attention of the interested audience on the global trends in international tax policy, Lyudmila Ivanovna stopped on such important manifestations as: avoidance of situations of double intaxation (when due to differences in the tax legislation of jurisdictions, income is not taxable in any country); The cases of abuse of benefits granted by international agreements in the tax sphere. There is a need to solve problems related to corporate taxation, improving the rules of transfer pricing, and increasing transparency. It was also said about another dictate of the digital age - the legislative regulation of the circulation of crypto-assets. This will help to consolidate the issue and circulation of new financial instruments based on the use of innovative technologies in the financial market, recognize crypto currency as a means of exchange and introduce their provision by the government of the country, carry out taxation of transactions in the crypto-active markets, etc.

For the achievement in the training of economic personnel and in connection with the 20th anniversary of the accounting and financial faculty, L. I. Horuzhy awarded the dean of the faculty, Doctor of Economics, Professor E. I. Kostyukova with golden medal and three associate professors with diplomas - T.A. Neshchadimova, M.N. Tatarinova and E.A. Ostapenko.

In the new economic conditions, the problem of financial literacy of citizens has become global. Now this is not just a necessary life skill, but also an important factor of the economic well-being of the country. Yuri Suslov, Deputy Minister of Finance of the Stavropol Territory, spoke with satisfaction about the participation of the State Agrarian University in the federal project and the regional program of the Ministry of Finance for improving the financial literacy of the population. He came out with a specific proposal for the university - to participate in the development of a standard for the implementation of internal state financial control.

Zoya Tikhomirova, the head of the Stavropol regional branch of JSC “Rosselkhozbank”, told about fruitful cooperation with the Agrarian University, 51% of “Rosselkhozbank” staff - graduates of one of the best agrouni in Russia. Over the past three years, more than 100 students have been practicing in this bank, 45 of them joined the ranks of its employees. In the opinion of the head of the regional branch of “Rosselkhozbank”, the diploma of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, where even whole dynasties go through the training, can already be considered a synonym for success. But time dictates new tasks, and, referring to the management of the university and faculty, Zoya Dmitrievna proposed to deepen the training of investment lending specialists; they are in great demand in the Stavropol region, where "smart" agriculture has appeared.

A bet on science and new quality graduates

Interesting coincidence, but rather even a trend: the graduate of the SSAU in 2009, candidate of economic sciences Anton Doronin is now the head of the Department for Investment Policy and Economic Modernization of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Stavropol Territory. He devoted his speech to the development of the investment activities in the region, focusing on the importance of the contribution of scientists, including the alma mater, to the creation of innovative production technologies within the priority areas that will directly enhance the macroeconomic indicators of the region.

The focus of the audience on talent and cooperation was concentrated by the manager of the Stavropol Branch No. 5230 of the South-Western Bank of Sberbank of Russia Alexei Chvanov. The long-standing strategic partner, thanked the management of the State Agrarian University and the Faculty of Accounting and Finance, for the formation of an unconventional vision of the prospects, which helps to keep up with the times, but with a clear lead. And how else can it be if an artificial intellect becomes an ardent trend of the company.

Alexei Sergeyevich urged the students to move in a competitive environment not linearly, but cascade. After all, today we need graduates of a new quality, operating in effective teams that seek to capitalize themselves and broaden their horizons comprehensively. He stressed that among the employees of the Corporate Decision Center of the Stavropol branch of Sberbank, hired in 2017, are 137 best graduates of the University. Over the past three years, 410 graduates of the Agrarian University have been employed by PJSC Sberbank of Russia. Attention of representatives of the younger generation of the faculty was attracted by the video "Sberbank through the eyes of yesterday's students of the Agrarian University." The acting specialists of the bank thanked the alma mater for the knowledge they had acquired during the years of study and spoke with satisfaction about their professional trajectory.

In the future, the forum continued its work, discussing topical issues during panel discussions. For example, the issues of standardization of financial reporting of Russian organizations and the quality of information disclosed in it for participants in the section "Analytical Instruments for Managing Business Processes in the Economy" were touched upon by Maria Vakhrushina, Professor of Accounting at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. In the discussion areas "Schering-finance as a basis for innovative transformations in the national economy", "Foresight: innovative modeling tools , "Analytical support for the development of the agro-industrial complex on the innovative basis", "Mathematical methods and information technologies in the economy" took part teachers from Kyzylorda State University named after Korkyt Ata (Republic of Kazakhstan), Kuban State University named after. IT Trubilina, Technological Institute of Service - a branch of the Don State Technical University, Voronezh State University, North Caucasus Federal University, Institute of Friendship of Peoples of the Caucasus, Essentuki Institute of Management, Business and Law and other universities.

The video seminar "University economic education: history, logic, problems" was completed with the participation of St. Petersburg colleagues - Doctors of Economics, Professors N.A. Kamordzhanova (Saint Petersburg State University of Economics) and V.V. Kovalev (St. Petersburg State University) and a meeting of beginning researchers - participants of the student scientific society of accounting and finance faculty of the State Agrarian University. 

Дата новости для фото:  28.02.2018
Номер новости для фото:  7

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