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The motor rally "Eh, the battlefield pathways!" – a relay race of Remembrance, Respect and Goodness

The results of the landmark project were summed up on February 28 by the representatives of the regional Council of Veterans, the Duma of the Stavropol Territory, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, and workers on the home front during the meeting with the leadership and students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.
The event, held in the format of a dialogue with the students in the Winter Garden of the Agrarian University, was attended by the chairman of the Stavropol Territory Council of Veterans Alexei Alekseyevich Gonochenko; the Deputy of the Duma of the Stavropol Territory Lozovoy Viktor Ivanovich; the Rector of SSAU, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Member of the Duma of the Stavropol Territory Trukhachev Vladimir Ivanovich; the Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Stavropol State University Gusynin Nikolai Gavrilovich.
To meet and chat with the participants of the rally - students of the SSAU, the veterans of the Great Patriotic War arrived in the alma mater - a participant of three wars, in the past an associate professor of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization Nikolai Bugaychenko, a representative of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Anna Efimovna Leshchenko; workers on the home front - the teacher of the Pedagogy Department, Psychology and Sociology Kozunov Alexander Aleksandrovich and the senior lecturer of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization Krupennikov Andrei Mikhailovich, as well as the participant of military operations in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan Zubov Vladimir Pavlovich.
The meeting of the generations was dedicated to the approaching Victory Day of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War and to summing up the results of the rally "Eh, the battlefield pathways!"
Nearly 73 years passed from the day of the historic Victory over fascist Germany, but memory again and again carries them back to the time when hammered away guns and metal melted, causing the fascists to retreat back. Living witnesses of the war will never forget about these heroic and tragic days for millions of citizens of our Motherland. Therefore, it is so important not to break the bonds of historical Memory, goodness, patriotism and true human values. Exactly such projects as "Eh, the battlefield pathways!" bring together a generation of Winners and today's youth, connecting their hands and hearts, and the roads of the rally allow people living in the North Caucasus region to feel like one big multinational and friendly family!
Let's note that the rally Eh, the battlefield pathways!" has been started in 2015, and from the very first start, the agrarian students always participate in its implementation. A. A. Gonochenko, chairman of the Stavropol Territory Council of Veterans and V.I .Lozovoy, the permanent curator of the motor rally - the deputy of the Duma of the Stavropol Territory of the VI convocation, a member of the presidium of the Regional Council of Veterans gratefully addressed to the students and the leadership of the State Agrarian University in the person of the rector V. I. Truhachev.
Viktor Ivanovich Lozovoy stressed that the 2017 rally, held from April 21 to May 9, was dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Stavropol Territory and the entire North Caucasus from German fascist invaders, and it  was not easy. But the students-agrarians carried it out with honor - as the best representatives of the youth who study at the university, awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, and in the way they carry out the combat mission!
Motor rally roads passed through all 26 districts of Stavropol, as well as the village Ordzhonikidzevsky of Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Kizlyar of the Republic of Dagestan, Magas and Malgobek of the Republic of Ingushetia, Vladikavkaz of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, Elista and Gorodovikks of the Republic of Kalmykia carrying the largest copy of the Victory Banner in the country. Vladislav Kabisov a third year student of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization of SSAU who took part in the motor rally shared his impressions. It turns out that through the history of the landmark rally, Agrarian students traveled about 20,000 kilometers, visited more than 700 settlements, where more than 2 million people touched the legendary symbol-the Victory Banner!
During the meeting all the students-participants of the rally were awarded with diplomas by the Stavropol Territory Council of Veterans, as well as memorable magnets with the logo of patriotic action, specially made in the university walls. Rector of the university V. I. Truhachev warmly thanked the activists and encouraged them with three scholarships. It was stressed that the experience that the guys acquired on the roads of the North Caucasus, the conduct of historical quests, communication with the inhabitants of many cities and villages, broadened their horizons, tempered the student character. And it definitely will be useful in the future!

Дата новости для фото:  01.03.2018
Номер новости для фото:  8

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