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Accelerated development of dairy cattle breeding is a priority scientific direction of the prospective market "FoodNet"


Progressive position for the industry was demonstrated by representatives of the Faculty of Technological Management of the Stavropol State University, participating in the XVI International Exhibition "Dairy and Meat Industry", held at the Crocus Expo IEC in Moscow.

In the business program of the largest international exhibition, which has proved itself since 2002 as a high-level business event, significant for the industry, the staff of StGAU have been able to participate thanks to the implementation of one of the pilot technological projects in the field of livestock production of the prospective market "FoodNet".

The delegation of the Faculty of Technological Management as part of the Professor of the Department of Private Zootechnics, Breeding and Animal Breeding Sergey Oleinik, Senior Teacher Alexey Pokotilo and the 2nd year student Nikolay Kostornov shared her innovative university experience during the roundtable, and also got acquainted with the equipment from leading foreign and domestic manufacturers and processing of milk and meat.

Round table "Creation of independent laboratories for the analysis of milk in the framework of the implementation of the road map activities" was organized by the NGO "Association of Holstein Cattle Producers" and ITE EXPO. Within the framework of the event, Professor S.A. Oleinik made a presentation "Practical experience in organizing the work of an independent laboratory for the selection of quality control of milk in the Stavropol Territory."

In his speech, Sergei Alexandrovich highlighted the main problematic issues concerning the prospects for intensifying the development of the national dairy cattle breeding. It was stressed that one of the most significant achievements of the creative group of scientists, headed by the rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V. I. Truhachev, is the development of a regional system for managing high-yield genetic resources in dairy cattle. It is aimed at import substitution and is implemented taking into account the recommendations of the International Committee for Registration of Animals (ICAR), whose methodology was firstly translated into Russian and adapted in the scientific and educational fields. All works were carried out in the leading breeding farms of Stavropol, where the average productivity of breeding cows exceeds 7 thousand kg of milk per year.

An important element of the work presented in the report of S.A. Oleinik is the organization of the Laboratory of Milk Selection Quality Control taking into account the international requirements of ICAR. Certified laboratory equipped with instruments of Russian and foreign production, satisfying the requirements of the Russian Federation and ICAR on the methodology of research, operates in the Stavropol State University.

According to Professor S.A. Oleinik, the introduction of rapid monitoring of the quality of individual samples of raw milk allowed to generate gross lots of milk for sale with a level of somatic cells no higher than 300 thousand cells / ml, which corresponds to the European quality parameters, with the additional improvement of milking equipment not required. At the end of 2017, the laboratory conducted monthly studies of milk samples from 7 breeding farms, which contained 4579 breeding cows. A total of 25,890 samples of milk were selected and examined.

For reference:

The international exhibition "Dairy and Meat Industry", organized with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, represents equipment and technologies for modernizing and increasing the efficiency of agricultural holdings, dairy and meat industry enterprises, livestock and farming enterprises. Such large companies as GEA, Tetra Pak, De Laval, Tauras Phoenix, Kizelmann and others take part in it. Experts from 40 countries visit the exhibition every year.

Дата новости для фото:  12.03.2018
Номер новости для фото:  3

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