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Training seminars on application of modern information technologies help to improve the quality of the company's personnel

The management of  LLC «RN-Accounting», a structural subdivision of the leader of the Russian oil industry and the world's largest public oil and gas corporation Rosneft, expressed gratitude to the rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University V. I. Trukhachev for effective cooperation in the field of application of applied information technologies.

Currently, the company LLC "RN-Accounting" has in its composition almost 7 thousand employees, dispersed in the Territorial Offices in the regions of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the best world practices, employees of the organization ensure the effective implementation of accounting functions throughout the entire corporation of PJSC "NK"Rosneft ".
Continuity of personnel training, according to the management of the corporation, is the main condition for the successful implementation of accounting and tax accounting in the company. Within 6 days the candidate of economic sciences, assistant professor of the Department of Information Systems of the Agrarian University Kuzmenko Irina conducted a set of training seminars for specialists of the Territorial Administration of LLC «RN-Accounting» in Stavropol under the program of mastering information technologies (Advanced MS Excel course).
"The skills of skilful use of the multifunctional table data processing system MS Excel allow you to correctly conduct complex financial and economic calculations using a large amount of information," explained the teacher of the economic faculty of the Stavropol State Agrarian University I. P. Kuzmenko. - This is what has become the subject of study in the process of conducting practical seminars.
Under the guidance of the representative of the agricultural partner university, the participants of the seminars considered examples of the use of MS Excel tools in labor accounting and payroll calculations, accounting for movement of tangible assets and fixed assets, accounting for finished products, accounting for production costs, as well as in consolidated accounting, tax reporting.
In the long term, it is planned to further develop mutually beneficial partnership relations between the Stavropol State Agrarian University and LLC «RN-Accounting», including in the development of modern information technologies, which, as is known, do not stand still, but are an element of a modern, rapidly changing environment.

Дата новости для фото:  14.03.2018
Номер новости для фото:  1

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