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The results of the competitions of the regional project of the program "Let's preserve the nature of our native land" are summed up


On the 14th of March, the Agrarian University hosted the ceremony of awarding the best participants of the environmental education project of the Caspian Pipeline Consortium "Let's Save the Nature of Our Country", representing the Stavropol region.

Students competed in the competition from all regions of the Stavropol Territory. Recall that in the framework of the environmental education project under the auspices of the Caspian Pipeline Consortium, representatives of the Department of Ecology and Landscape Construction - associate professors Yu. A. Mandra, E. Ye. Stepanenko and the assistant V. Yu. Zakrassnyana conducted 63 open ecological a lesson for the youth of the Stavropol Territory, during which they spoke about the role of the younger generation in solving environmental problems and the requirements for competitive works. As a result, more than 1000 schoolchildren and technical school students took part in the competition.

The jury noted 48 winners and prizewinners of four categories: a video contest "Young Ecoreporter"; a literary contest devoted to the problem of reindeer population restoration in the territory of the region; Photo contest "Animal World of Stavropol Territory"; art competition "The beauty of deer - the beauty of the world." Rewarding the children passed in a warm, friendly atmosphere, filled with the joy of smiles and adults and children.

Greeted active, eco-oriented youth and their mentors were guests of honor: First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Stavropol Territory Nikolai Velikdan, Director General of the Caspian Pipeline Consortium Nikolai Gorban; Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Stavropol Territory Andrei Khlopyanov; Minister of Energy, Industry and Communication of the Stavropol Territory Vitaly Khotsenko; Chairman of the Regional Branch of the Russian Public Environmental Control Company LLC in the Stavropol Territory Vladimir Emelyanov; Deputy Head of Rosprirodnadzor for the North Caucasus Federal District Yevgeny Direganov; Chairman of the Public Chamber of the Stavropol Territory Nikolai Kashurin. Representatives of the executive and legislative authorities of the region, public organizations, teachers and students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University were also present at the solemn event.

Giving greetings and congratulations to the leaders of the contest from the rector, Academician Vladimir Trukhachev, Dean of the Faculties of Agrobiology and Land Resources, Ecology and Landscape Architecture, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Esaulko noted that special attention is paid to the issues of environmental education in the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

- We believe that careful attitude to nature is not just a fashion trend, but the most important condition for technological progress. That is why it is very important to train qualified personnel in this field, from early years to involve young people in solving environmental issues, and such contests are an essential element in shaping the ecological outlook of the society, "said Professor N. Esaulko.

It is gratifying that the winners and prize-winners of the contest met at one site and, being in the agrouniversity, were able to discuss their creative work with peers supporting their initiatives by parents and teachers.

- We were pleased to evaluate the competitive work of young people. Many of them were filled with warmth and a desire to preserve the nature of their native land, other children placed emphasis on burning issues of environmental protection, - commented the representative of the jury, associate professor of the department of ecology and landscape construction of StGAU Elena Stepanenko.

The festive part of the event was continued by an equally interesting visit to the Russian Forest, where the young winners and prize-winners of the competitions saw with their own eyes how the noble and spotted deer are released into the natural habitat. 

Дата новости для фото:  15.03.2018
Номер новости для фото:  6

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