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Graduates of the Stavropol State University are registered scholars of the Vladimir Potanin Charitable Foundation


The Expert Council summed up the results of the contest for the receipt of Vladimir Potanin's scholarship. Among its 500 holders are three undergraduates of StGAU: Vadim Shpak (Electric Power faculty), Pyotr Zuev (Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources) and Ivan Dauvalter (Accounting and Finance Department).

The contest for receiving the nominal grant of the Vladimir Potanin Foundation was held for the students of the magistracy of 75 leading universities of Russia. Selection of applicants for the scholarship was held in two rounds. In this season, 6731 applications were submitted for the competition (20% more than in the past). To participate were admitted 3852 participants, in the 2nd (full-time) tour were 1,945 students.

According to the results of two rounds, 500 winners representing different scientific schools and directions - from technical to humanitarian ones - were identified. We congratulate three students of Potanin scholarship holders, worthy representatives of the Stavropol State Agrarian University: Vadim Shpak, Petr Zuev, Ivan Dauvalter! 

Дата новости для фото:  17.03.2018 06:38:49
Номер новости для фото:  1

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