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"Student spring" put the festival lights on


A creative youth of the Agrarian University devoted an unforgettable gala concert to his beloved Motherland, a beautiful youth and bright spring. 635 students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University performed on the same stage!

All guests - to us

On March 20 the gala concert of SSAU gathered a full house in the biggest hall of the region - the Palace of Culture and Sports of Stavropol. On the International Day of Happiness and Spring Equinox, not only students-agrarians, but also their parents and teachers, were torn here. Here you could see boys and girls, including foreigners, from neighboring universities. Together with the students came the directors of the schools of the regional center. The explanation for the "magnet" is simple: Agrarian can surprise! Always, for many years.

On the eve of the XXVI regional festival-contest "Student Spring of Stavropol-2018", within the framework of the qualifying round of the nomination "The Best Program of the Educational Organization", the concert of the SSAU was evaluated by an impartial jury. Its composition was representative: Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, Honored Artist of the Stavropol Territory, Director of the Children's Choreographic School of Stavropol Alexander Vinichenko; actor of the Stavropol Academic Drama Theater. M. Yu. Lermontov Georgy Serebryansky; Sergey Nadein, First Deputy Editor-in-Chief of SvoTTV ; leading, chief editor of the program "News. Stavropol Territory ", chief editor of the regional hour" Russia 24 " Maria Voronovskaya; Khudruk and director of the theater studio "Word" them. Vladimir Guriev, a member of the Public Council of the All-Russian project "Culture of the Little Motherland" candidate of Philological Sciences Yevgeny Peresypkin ; Honored Art Worker of the Stavropol Territory, Artistic Director of the Department of Educational Work of the SKFU Esmira Goncharova ; dean of the faculty of arts of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, candidate of psychological sciences Evgenia Volobueva ; Honored Worker of Culture of the Stavropol Territory, choreographer, head of the dance team, PhD in technical sciences Elena Zubenko .

The hall was also attended by the director of the city and regional festival "Student Spring - 2018" Anatoly Golovin and the producer of this event Stanislav Zakusilo , honored guests - the head of the Committee for Culture and Youth Policy of the Administration of Stavropol Vyacheslav Korshun and Head of the Department for Youth Policy of the Staff of the Government of the Stavropol Territory Egor Basovich .

The host of the feast Ivan Maklakov presented one more is a special guest who had come the longest way. They came from Germany, Mr. Gerhard Thiele, a leading veterinarian from Berlin, a member of the Chamber of Veterinary Medicine of the Federal State of Brandenburg, a former graduate of the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology. K.I. Scriabin. Many years ago he was in practice in the Stavropol region, and now he came from Germany in a new capacity - to hold a scientific and practical seminar for veterinary specialists of the Stavropol Territory.

The full house of imagination, creativity

and beauty

Meanwhile, the action that takes place on the stage, from the very first Yesenin lines ("Go, you, my native Russia") against the background of the amazing beauty of the landscapes of boundless Russia was powerfully captured by the auditorium.

The narrative of the Motherland, where spring is met with the nightingale's trills, where the Bright Easter Day awaits, and even the difficulties of being do not change to any paradise booths, the ensemble of folk song "Lel" continued.

Self-forgetful no longer singing - the mountain love story danced student of the Electric Power Department Magomed Kaitov , a unique representative of Stavropol who won the victory at last year's "Russian Student Spring" in Tula. And then the clockwork guys and girls from the creative teams "Razdolye", "Slavnitsa", "Daria", "Kalina", "Caucasus" just took, and flung open the Russian soul in dance, connected the Cossack dare and the mountain character in a monolithic composition "Put together! ».

Snowy-delicate round dance brought in unique "Stylish tricks", admiring the article and grace, the splendor of the festive decoration and literally the air drawing of the dance. To plunge into a special spring-saturated poetry, having organized a rapid change of the seasons, Nikita tried Myagkov. A student of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources stunningly performed a lyrical monologue on the poems of Eduard Asadov.

"Aliluya" to the world and spring, with gratitude for each day lived and even sigh sang the vocalists of the studio "Anfas". A vocal studio "Joyce", which proclaimed "Spring is coming. Spring road! ", Presented the audience really stylish room. An unusual format - the song defile was decorated with girlish outfits from the outlandish flower collection.

The hall was admired with brilliant performances in French and Italian. The student of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Anastasia Grebennikova, succeeded in the superhit "Derniere danse". A representative of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources Tatyana Khutornaya issued her own version of "The Memory of Caruso", from which everyone's heart contracted. Classmates consider: "Only she can do this: singing the famous is almost unrecognizable and simultaneously familiar to the pain."

The song "Pirates of the Caribbean" stirred up the song of idyll. Purely male duo in the composition of Elanskiy Kirill and Skakunov Danil , representatives of the faculties of social and cultural service and tourism and veterinary medicine, demonstrated how the guitar and violin can make friends and win the hall. Feuery of the holiday continued performances of the vocal studio "Provence", show projects "Evidence", "Experience" and "Lucky students", dance project "Territory" ...

635 participants of the Agrarian University festival presented the audience with bright emotions, moments of joy and delight. The children themselves were attuned to a successful final in the regional "Student Spring". And there is just around the corner and the 26th, already "Russian Student Spring", which symbolically hurries to our 26th region!

Glory and pride of the Agrarian University -

his talented, heterogeneous youth!

"Smart, active, athletic and very creative" - the mass of epithets was addressed to the best students-agrarians by their rector, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Vladimir Trukhachev . At the award ceremony, he announced the high achievements of the university and congratulated each of the alma mater, awarded with a landmark medal.

The Rector considers the title of the thrice winner of the Russian Government Prize in the field of quality and new status, the University Center for Innovative and Technological Development of the Stavropol Territory, received in 2017 by the Stavropol State University.

Three graduate students of the first year of study - Vadim Shpak (Electric Power Faculty), Pyotr Zuev (Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources), Ivan Dauvalter (Accounting and Finance Department), who won the Vladimir Potanin Scholarship Program, have achieved the highest rate among agrarian universities in Russia. 2017 / 18 years old.

In the current year 2018, 9 students of the Stavropol Agrarian university became winners of the All-Russian competition of youth projects among individuals of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs. Among them - Alefirenko Aliona , Nikonova Yana , Antonov Kirill (Accounting and Finance Department); Kolesnikov Kirill , Digovtsov George, Alexander Sergienko , Dmitry Fursov , Alexey Labintsev (power engineering department); Kuzminova Julia (Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources). In the nominations "Support of volunteer and volunteer initiatives", "Involving young people in social practice and informing young people about opportunities for self-development", "Support of student initiatives", "Youth ecological projects", the children will receive grants from 100 to 650 thousand rubles.

The hall welcomed the holders of honorary titles "Miss and Mister SSAU and Stavropol Territory" Ruslan Isakov and Ksenia Nazarov . Very soon third-year students of the accounting and financial department will represent the Stavropol Territory at the All-Russian level - in Sevastopol.

The grand prix of the city stage of the jubilee XXV Interregional festival-competition "Soldier's envelope - 2018" was won by the student of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources Khutorna Tatyana. The winners of the KVN League "Caucasus" in 2018 in the category "Funny Team of the Festival" was the team of the Stavropol State University "Those very guys».

In the contest "Woman of the Year in the City of Stavropol", the title of laureate of the "Business Woman" nomination was given to Deputy Dean of the Accounting and Finance Department, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Elena Ostapenko . The winners of the nomination "Successful Youth" were Svetlichna Ekaterina, Master of Accounting and Finance Faculty, and Mityc Anastasia, a student of the Electric Power Department.

Outstanding results were achieved by agrarian athletes. So, for example, Skrynnikov Vyacheslav, a student of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization, won the 2 nd place in the European Powerlifting Championships (Sochi, 2017). Champion of Russia in powerlifting (Krasnodar, 2017) became a student of the Faculty of Economics Ksenia Chernova. Representative of the same faculty Murtuzaliev Magomed led the championship of the North Caucasus and South-federal districts in athletics (adaptive sport) and joined the national team.

Rector of SSAU Vladimir Trukhachev noted with satisfaction that the number of winners of the Russian President's Grant for young scientists in the academic year 2017/18 reached five! For the fifth time in a row student of StGAU win in the All-Russian intellectual game "The Beginner Farmer". All results do not remain unnoticed by management. Twice a year, based on the results of sessions, increased scholarships are paid to outstanding students in the following categories: studies, science, public, cultural, creative and sports activities. In December 2017, 196 such students at a time received from 52 to 108 thousand rubles. And now three activists - excellent students Shaykhov Karina (Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources), Teslevu Natalia (electric power) and Butenko Alexander (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine) will be transferred from paid training to free.

Vladimir Ivanovich also reported to the students about the fulfillment of the wishes of the youth. The design work on the construction of a swimming pool in the territory of veterinary clinics is continuing, and more than 1 million 700 thousand rubles have been invested in the Forsythe Center operating in the accounting and financial department together with Sberbank. It is necessary to modernize several audiences of the Institute of Economics and Finance and update the instrumental training base at the Department of Land Management and Cadastre. Summer industrial practice for students of the specialty "Economic Security" will be carried out within the framework of the agreement with the Investigative Committee of the Stavropol Territory. For the delivery of students to the training and testing station a comfortable bus for 35 seats is allocated. At all points of supply, mobile payment terminals already operate for non-cash card payments. In the hostel number 6 new washing machines will appear, and at least 1 million rubles will be allocated to the students' creative teams of the university.

And this means that the next "Student Spring" of the Stavropol State Agrarian University will be even more beautiful!    

Дата новости для фото:  21.03.2018
Номер новости для фото:  4

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