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"Talents of russia" study here!

Second-year student of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources of Stavropol State University Gorshkova Natalya won the XI International Contest "Talents of Russia", ahead of other contestants in the nomination "Best Student Work".
The theme of her scientific work was Natalia Gorshkova, "The state of agrophytocenosis and the yield of winter wheat cultivated according to various predecessors under the conditions of the experimental station of SSAU."  The curator of this direction was the head of the department of general agriculture, plant breeding and breeding them.  Professor F.I. Bobrysheva, Olga Vlasova .
The aim of the research, which the undergraduate conducted in the multi-factor stationary experiment of the experimental station of the university, was to study the influence of precursors on the weed component of wheat agrophytocenosis, the species composition and its shift during the growing season, as well as the agrophysical properties of the soil and the yield of winter wheat.
"As a result of the conducted studies, it was determined that the location of winter wheat in leguminous crops and annual cereal-bean mixtures allows not only to control the phytosanitary state of agrocenosis and increase the yield of winter wheat, but also to improve the agrophysical properties of the soil," explains Natalia Gorshkova .  - This is very important, since most of the territory of the Stavropol Territory is subject to water and wind erosion.  A good structural condition of the soil and water resistance to some extent are able to withstand negative phenomena.  

Дата новости для фото:  22.03.2018
Номер новости для фото:  2

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