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“I know!” Will prove in the final game every erudite-agrarian


Completed five qualifying games of the Stavropol intellectual student's league “I know!”, In which 13 teams from 9 educational institutions of the city competed.

Following the results of all rounds, the names of 6 final teams were named. Among them are the team “AiF” of the Stavropol State Agrarian University. In the standings there are also leading “Erudites” of the Stavropol building technical school, as well as three teams of the NCFU - Alibibek-bey, Team IITT, “Selling garage”. The “Tornado” of the Technology Institute of the service (branch) of the Don State Technical University also burst into the final of the game.

On April 12, on Cosmonautics Day, the most erudite students of the regional capital will compete in the final duel on the basis of the North Caucasus Federal University. And although the upcoming intellectual battles promise to be extreme, every erudite-agrarian will try to prove: “I know!”. 

Дата новости для фото:  26.03.2018
Номер новости для фото:  5

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