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The second open regional competition “Krasa-Art Profi 2018” started at the Agrarian University

In the final of the contest of intellect, sport and creativity 18 bright representatives of professional educational organizations of the Stavropol Territory take part.
The first competition day on March 26 was full of events for participants and curators, volunteers and organizers of the regional event.
The morning began with the registration of contestants in the hostel number 5 of the European level, which was opened in Stavropol State Agrarian University in 2016 and is most comfortable for students. The ladies settled in their rooms, rested and went to the first meeting with the organizers.
At the first meeting of the Directorate and the participants there was the Rector of the State Agrarian University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Vladimir Trukhachev, the director of the open regional competition of intellect, sport and creativity “Krasa Art-Profi 2018” Nikolai Golovin, the head of the Centre for Aesthetic Education of Students of the Agrarian University Ivan Maklakov. In his welcoming speech V. I. Truhachev wished participants good luck and success during all three competitive days. The director of the competition N. Golovin informed about the upcoming events and presented the entire management of the contest “Krasa Art-Profi 2018”, and I. Maklakov spoke about the rich and fruitful work in preparation for the final, which will be held on March 28 in the Palace of Children’s Creativity. At the end of the meeting, the participants were able to ask all their questions.
It should be noted that the regional competition “Krasa Art-Profi” is held for the second year in a row thanks to the initiative and the project of the student of the Economics Faculty of SSAU Elena Khomutova, with whom she won a grant at the North Caucasus Youth Forum “Mashuk-2017”.
The second by the plan of the day was the educational program “Stage Behaviour on the Stage”, which was conducted by Ivan Maklakov. The girls heard valuable advice and wishes: “If you hit the spectator, then you'll hit the jury! The task of any artist is to be self-confident. You need to throw out the excitement and light the audience, and then your number and you yourself will be interesting”.
After the master class audition of creative numbers took place. The number of each participant was in its own way beautiful and individual. Even at the rehearsal, the contestants tried their best to demonstrate their creative abilities: in dance, singing songs and poems.
The next rehearsal of the first defile – “Student style” was held under the direction of Daria Bukachyova, choreographer of the concert program “Miss Krasa Art-Profi 2018”, the head of the modern dance group “Black daisy”. The winner of the II degree of the XXVI Stavropol Regional Student Creativity Festival “Student Spring of Stavropol” in the nomination “Dance direction”, the winner and the laureate of the II degree “Student Spring of Stavropol” as part of the “Lucky students” collective, the numerous winner and prize-winner of city and regional dance contests, defile for beauty and intellect competitions “Miss and Mister SSAU”, vice-champion “World dance Olympiad” Daria Bukacheva taught participants the ability to present themselves, so that their gait on the catwalk became like a real their models!
Contestants will try to implement all their creative ideas, but for now there are still two no less intense competitive days ahead.

Дата новости для фото:  27.03.2018 09:00:00
Номер новости для фото:  1

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