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New horizons for students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University are opened up by a strategic cooperation

In the university laboratory of the basic department of PJSC “Sberbank of Russia”, excursions for students and master classes on increasing the financial literacy of young people were launched. Having received the necessary competences, future pros perfect their skills here, go through corporate training and try to get into the personnel reserve of employers’ organizations.
Impulse for future career growth
According to the management of the Accounting and Finance Faculty of the Agrarian University, the laboratory of the basic department of PJSC “Sberbank of Russia” operates as part of the Innovation and Technology Foresight Centre “Analytics and Financial Technologies”, recently opened in the university. It was organized as part of the program for the transformation of the Stavropol State University into the University Centre for Innovative and Technological Development of the Stavropol Territory.
-    Thus, our students received an impetus to expand the boundaries of the profile knowledge and professional competencies during the training, and the teachers - an improved material and technical base to ensure the training of professional graduates, - says Dean of the Accounting and Finance Faculty of the State Agrarian University, Doctor of Economics, Professor Elena Ivanovna Kostyukova. - Of course, our rector, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev, has a great support in this, thanks to which the strategic cooperation with PJSC “Sberbank of Russia” has reached a new level, opening great opportunities for students.
Opening of new horizons for future farmers and innovative functional of the laboratory was realized with the direct participation of the South-Western Bank of PJSC Sberbank in the person of its chairman, graduate of SSAU Yevgeny Viktorovich Titov, manager of Stavropol Branch No. 5230 PJSC Sberbank Alexei Sergeevich Chvanov and his deputy Tamara Georgievna Evdokushina, and Head of the Human Resources Department of the Stavropol Branch No. 5230 PJSC Sberbank Natalia Vladimirovna Penkina.
The first participants of the project were students of the Faculties of Mechanization of Agriculture, Accounting and Finance, Economics, Electric Power, Hospitality and Tourism. With the new laboratory they are introduced by the teachers of the department of financial management and banking.
Here students can use the payment terminal and pay for the various services on the card, pay tuition fees. You can pay rent and pay for satellite and cable TV, pay with mobile operators and Internet providers, make transfers from the card to deposit accounts or bank cards, connect and disconnect the services of “Mobile Bank” and “Auto Pay”, receive a user ID and passwords for Internet banking “Sberbank OnLine” and the entrance to the personal cabinet, etc.
In the Internet kiosk, you can enter into your personal account Sberbank OnLine, which allows you to make almost all operations available in the office. The most popular banking transactions performed through this service are: transfer from card to card, credit repayment, replenishment of mobile phone account, payment of utility bills and utility services, replenishment of electronic wallets account, payment of taxes, fines or state fees. In the personal account Sberbank OnLine implemented a convenient search for the payee by TIN. By specifying it in the search field, the system will automatically find the organization you want to pay for.
For the first time students of the Agrarian University received a unique opportunity to undergo corporate training on the basis of a laboratory equipped with specialized equipment and technologies that allow them to master their professional competencies and perfect their skills within the university under the guidance of Sberbank’s employees. Successfully completed students will be able to pass an interview and be credited to the reserve of the credit organization.
“Sberbank of Talents” for students and graduates
In addition, students and graduates can use the “Sberbank of Talents” program, which opens up wide prospects for career growth. Having registered on the website of the program, you can get up-to-date information on existing vacancies in any region of Russia, as well as find out how and under what conditions it is possible to start or develop your career.
All vacancies are divided into groups according to their complexity and are presented on the site in the following form: for beginners, expert workers and employees holding positions of managers. The site window has a navigation menu, which consists of sections: “Our Bank”, “Remuneration”, “Health and Sport”, “Employee Development”, “Early Career”. They facilitate navigation on the “Bank of Talents” section. The central and lower parts of the screen consist of windows with news. Each such small window is dedicated to one specific news from Sberbank. News provides up-to-date information on personnel search or requirements for future employees. To view the information, just click on the desired window.
Special attention is paid to special programs “Sberbank of Talents”:
Headstart @ SberbankCIB - internship in business units or in support units: the global markets department, the lending department, the CIB development department, the department of the largest CIB clients, the investment activity department, the trade finance and correspondent relations department, and the private capital management department. The program is intended for students of 3-4 years of bachelor's and master's degrees studying economics, finance, computer science or management. It is for those who know formulas in Excel, who know English at the upper-intermediate level and above, who can communicate and work in a team. The duration of the internship is two months (start - in July), you can work from 30 hours a week. All participants will have a mentor, and before the internship will be organized a course in the summer class, where you can tighten the knowledge and choose the direction of the internship.
Sberseasons is a paid internship program for IT students, economic and technical professions. In just two months, it will be possible to immerse yourself in the profession, gain invaluable experience and a chance for a permanent position! All participants will have a mentor; will have the right to attend training trainings. Directions of the internship: mobile iOS development, modelling and validation, DataScience, Java, Robotics, Analytics, economic models. The composition of tasks: work on real projects of the unit, full involvement in the work process.
YoungGlobalPioneers is an educational program for students of technical specialties who want to know the world around and are ready to change it for the better. For three weeks you will go on an unforgettable trip to other countries. After all, only after seeing the chosen country from different sides, one can understand its culture and make up its own opinion. Together with you to deal with the main problems of the region will be the most talented students from all over the world: you will exchange ideas and inspire each other. A special grant from Sberbank covers all costs for participation in the project and other costs associated with the trip. The Bank will provide the winner with the opportunity to find employment and further development within its walls.
Nominal scholarship Sberbank 12UP is a program for students of master’s and postgraduate students who study in the Information Technologies field, who have offered an idea in the fields of Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security, Mobile Development, Gamification. Specialists of Sberbank will help to improve or realize the idea; they will monitor the progress of the fellows and necessarily call the best for an internship or a permanent position. During the training in the magistracy will be appointed monthly nominal scholarship of 30 thousand rubbles.
From reading to practice and research
Students of the Agrarian University, after visiting the department of the Savings Bank, can also get acquainted with books from the “Sberbank Library” series in printed format and electronic, placed in the Virtual School
Corporate University of Sberbank. This is a unique collection of the latest business literature of the world's leading authors on various topics. 79 selected books are united by the idea of helping to adjust themselves to self-improvement and disclosure of inner potential. The books of the series reveal the experience of successful people, they are the quintessence of simple rules and laws of behaviour, the formation of character, one's business, and relationships with relatives and colleagues who deserve to be applied and developed.
In addition, students of all faculties can independently enrol in master classes, trainings, production practice. For example, a team of specialists from Stavropol Branch No. 5230 of PJSC Sberbank as part of Smirnov Igor Nikolaevich, Ilchenko Igor Alexandrovich, Grigoryeva Evgenia Anatolyevna, Savina Darya Vasilievna, Efimova Antonina Pavlovna presented such important financial topics as “The Bank of the Future”, “Operational risks and processes from the point of view of system reliability”, “Advantages of non-cash payment for goods and services”, “Banknotes - roubles, dollars, euro: description, types, solvency indicators”, “Bank fraud” , “Personal financial plan”. “Creation of reserves for the future”. Each master class was unique and informative for students. The most active guys were awarded personal certificates and memorable gifts.
Another important area of work of the innovation laboratory is the conduct of scientific research by the teaching staff of the Department of Financial Management and Banking, students and graduate students of the Accounting and Finance Faculty together with Sberbank specialists.
In April 2018, the research project “Assessment of the level of accessibility and quality of financial services for the population of the Stavropol Territory starts with the purpose of determining the priorities for the development of banking activities, including remote, sparsely populated, hard-to-access areas with limited access to financial services”. The main idea of this project will be the development of an interactive map of the Stavropol Territory with the application of financial services infrastructure, indicators of physical, price, mental, assortment availability, the ultimate utility of financial services and their security, the construction of ratings and the formation of passports of the level of accessibility and quality of financial (including banking ) services for the population in the context of municipal districts and urban districts of the Stavropol Territory.

Дата новости для фото:  28.03.2018
Номер новости для фото:  1

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