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Participation in the meeting in the State Duma of the Russian Federation “Sustainable development of agro-industrial complex of the countries of the EAEC and regions of the Russian Federation on the basis of innovative agro biotechnologies, digital system


On March 28, in the State Duma of the Russian Federation, within the framework of the Committee on Agrarian Issues there was a meeting of the Subcommittee for the Production of Agricultural Products, Development of Primary Seed Production Systems, Nursery, Livestock Breeding and Veterinary.

The meeting was attended by the rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor V. I. Trukhachev, a member of the Presidential Council for Science and Education, the head of the Eurasian Interstate Program and the Comprehensive Science and Technology Program for the full cycle.

Among the participants of the event were: Alexei Lavrinenko, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Agrarian Issues; Elena Averyanova, head of the department for interaction on agro-industrial complex issues of the Department of Agro-Industrial Policy of the Eurasian Economic Commission; Mikhail Sery, Deputy Director of the Department of Industry of the Eurasian Economic Commission, curator of the formation and functioning of the Eurasian technological platforms and state programs. Irina Nam, the coordinator of the interstate program and the KSTP, the coordinator-secretary of the EEU, the heads of a number of scientific research institutes, scientific centres and research-and-production enterprises of Russia and Kalmykiya, as well as the vice-rector for scientific and innovative work of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, Professor V. Yu. Morozov.

The head of the subcommittee for the production of agricultural products, the development of primary seed production systems, nursery, and livestock breeding and veterinary of the Committee on Agrarian Issues of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Bator Aduchiev.

On the agenda was the discussion of the Initiative proposal on the development of the Eurasian Interstate Program (EISP) “Innovative development of pasture livestock in the countries of the EEU”, aimed at the sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex and the introduction of innovative technologies in the livestock complex of the EEU countries. The Comprehensive Scientific and Technological Program of the Full Cycle (CSTP) “Sustainable Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex of Russian Regions on the Basis of Innovative Agro biotechnologies, Digital Technologies and Agro engineering” were also in the focus of attention. The given program is developed according to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation № 642 from December, 1st, 2016 “Strategy of scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation”.

The coordinator of the programs Irina Nam informed about the preparation of the Initiative proposal for the development of the Eurasian interstate program and the Comprehensive scientific and technological program for the full cycle.

The main provisions of the EISP “Innovative development of grazing livestock in the countries of the EEU” and CSTP “Sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex of Russian regions on the basis of innovative agro biotechnology, digital technologies and agro engineering” were highlighted by the head of these programs, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Vladimir Trukhachev.

In his report, he stressed that the large-scale Eurasian interstate program “Innovative development of grazing livestock in the EEU member states” is an important stage of the strategic program for the transition of the agro-industrial sector to the digital economy, integrated management of processes and technologies in livestock farms on the Eurasian agrarian market.

The interstate program is interdisciplinary in nature, since specialists in the field of information technology, microelectronics; biotechnology and zootechny play a crucial role in its development and implementation. The leading scientists of the countries of the Eurasian Union are the leaders of the programs being developed, in which it is necessary to take into account the priorities for the development of national economies, including the sustainable development of agriculture and rural areas. The aim of the Intergovernmental program is to ensure food security and independence of the EEU states, the competitiveness of domestic products in the world food markets, reducing the technological risks of the agro-industrial sector.

The Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.I. Trukhachev called the stages of the implementation of the EISP, focused on the actual tasks facing the livestock sector. Russian analogues of innovative milking, laboratory equipment and software in dairy cattle breeding will be created to produce high-quality products in accordance with international quality parameters. It is necessary to develop and implement the Russian concept of “Smart Farm” for the production of milk, beef and mutton in accordance with international quality parameters.

A special emphasis was made by the Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University on the commonality of the problem of Russia and Kazakhstan on the irrational use of the richest natural feed resources, the result of which is the under-received volumes of livestock products. And this is in lieu of complete self-sufficiency and access to international markets, including organic products, since it is Russia and Kazakhstan that possess unique biological resources - 77 and 188 million hectares of natural forage land, hayfields and pastures and almost 30% of the world fresh water resources for pasture development animal husbandry. About 80 million hectares of semi-desert lands are planned to be put into circulation in Kazakhstan to use them for the development of sheep breeding, herd horse breeding, camel breeding and beef cattle breeding.

Academician V. I. Trukhachev expressed his readiness together with the team of scientists of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, in partnership with other project participants to make every effort for the successful implementation of this interstate program. In his opinion, the project under consideration is not only relevant, socially significant and ambitious; it will become significant contribution to the implementation of the Doctrine of Food Security of the Russian Federation.

“We must make every effort to make our Russia a rich agrarian country”, Vladimir Trukhachev said at the end of his speech at the State Duma.


The resolution adopted during the meeting contains proposals to the regions of the Russian Federation to take part in the EISP “Innovative development of pasture livestock in the countries of the EEU” and the CSTP “Sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex of Russia’s regions based on innovative agro biotechnologies, digital technologies and agro engineering”. 

Дата новости для фото:  30.03.2018
Номер новости для фото:  6

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