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DOMINANT CZ breeding for organic poultry farming in the South of Russia: results and recommendations in the format of a workshop

On March 29, the Technological Management Department of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, LLC “Agrokormservice Plus” and Czech firm DOMINANT CZ held a seminar for representatives of poultry enterprises, feed mills, and individual entrepreneurs of the region. Science, business, and production have verified the course through the prism of regional strategic partnership and European cooperation.
For technological “breakthrough”
The program of the visit to Stavropol, Milan Tyler, owner of a private company DOMINANT CZ, whose products are delivered to 56 countries, began the day before with a visit to Yessentuki. Here, the Czech geneticist and export manager did not fail to perform a thorough survey of the parent flock of DOMINANT CZ crosses in the “Pyatigorskiy” branch of LLC “Agrokormservis Plus”.
Arriving the next day in the regional centre, M. Tyler hurried to the vivarium of the Stavropol State Agrarian University - to inspect the repair youngsters of the chickens DOMINANT CZ. Meanwhile, by the beginning of the practical seminar in the main building of one of the best agrarian universities of the country, its numerous participants gathered. They were representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Veterinary Administration of the Stavropol Territory, the SCU “Centre for Tribal Resources”, the Office of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision in the Stavropol Territory and the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, feed mills and poultry farms in the region, individual entrepreneurs, students, post-graduate students and teachers of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.
The seminar was opened by the Vice-Rector for Academic and Educational Work of SSAU, Professor Ivan Atanov, who addressed welcome speakers to the interested audience and expressed gratitude to all participants of multilateral cooperation.
-    Thanks to the strategic partnership of the university with LLC “Agrokormservice plus”, under the leadership of Andrei Vran, the scientific and practical cooperation with the Czech firm DOMINANT CZ in the person of its owner Milan Tyler, we are able to test universal genetic hybrid programs and implement the original approaches in domestic poultry farming, Ivan Vyacheslavovich. - Seminar with the declared theme is confirmation of this; a new impulse is needed for the development of organic poultry farming in the South of Russia.
In cooperation - a mosaic of interests
His speech at the seminar, the hereditary breeder Milan Tyler devoted to covering the spectrum of the main activity of his own company – “DOMINANTCZ: the state and situation in the world, in Europe and Russia”.
An excursion into the past he began from the very beginning - the history of breeding birds in the Czech Republic, dating back to 1928. During the conversation, Ph.D. Tyler shared the “painful” consequences of the wrong decisions taken in his time for the development of poultry farming in his country. The irreplaceable damage was caused by the division of poultry breeding from breeding in the early 1970s, the emergence of a monopoly of genetics; “piratization”, seeking to eliminate genetics in the 1990s, when he miraculously managed to keep the baselines.
Now, an enthusiastic geneticist, who is not initially interested in business, leads an independent firm, exporting highly productive ancestral and parental stocks to four continents - to Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America. At the same time, applying appliqués of world methodical approaches to its selection, the firm strictly controls the comparative parameters of herd growth and productivity at all breeding levels. By the way, referring to future poultry breeders, Tyler called on Stavropol students not to be afraid to try, to experiment: “Then the market will be able to choose you yourself”.
Today's products of the company DOMINANT CZ, in the staff of which only 60 people, is untwisted in half the world and this despite small parties. The secret is simple: it's all about quality, adaptability, economic benefits. Since 1994, it was supplied to the Crimea, in 2010 it was already in Syria, in the Idliba area, in 2016 it appeared in the Yaroslavl region ...
- As for the health of the bird - this is a great mosaic! - poetically expresses the beloved cause of Milan and gives invaluable advice to the poultry farmers of the North Caucasus region, responding to their flurried questions.
The main thing, in his opinion, is to strictly implement all technological recommendations and avoid extremes, including: do not create sterile conditions; do not seek to make the bird resistant to viruses that are already mutating rapidly; if to use, then exclusively high-quality vaccine, and necessarily consulting with leading local veterinarians; in order to avoid the stress of the birds, one must adhere to the mixed feed of the same quality for one herd; use stimulating feeding. When choosing several “colour” programs DOMINANT CZ, it is not necessary to “communicate” birds, it is necessary to differentiate these crosses from the floor to the ceiling.
-In general,- says Milan, - there are a lot of mistakes in zootechny, which can be devoted to a separate multi-day seminar.
The thesis that it is impossible to change fast in fodder matters, continued in his speech and the director of LLC “Agrokormservis Plus”, a member of the Union of Poultry Breeders of the Kuban and Russia, Andrey Vran. - You cannot deceive the bird, they react immediately.
Reporting on the breeding of DOMINANT CZ chickens for organic poultry farming in the Stavropol Territory, Andrey Valdemarovich also thanked all those present for their interest in the subject of the seminar, Rector of SSAU, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V. I. Trukhachev for long-term mutually beneficial cooperation. A well-known industrial worker in the province noted a significant contribution to the joint activity of the doctor of agricultural sciences, Professor Elena Epimahova. The guidance of an authoritative poultry farmer in the Vivarium of the Stavropol SAU is the constant monitoring of agricultural poultry, feeds from the producer are tested-without growth stimulants, antibiotics, exclusively from natural raw materials. Did not pass unnoticed and the efforts of an employee of the scientific laboratory “Feed and metabolism”, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Nikolai Samokish. In the course of experiments it is he who, at a high level, controls all the investigated parameters of the quality of products and feeds used.
The theme of the speech of the professor of the SSAU Elena Epimakhova was “Technological methods at keeping meat-egg hens”. The well-known Stavropol poultry breeder also shared the results of observations of the behaviour of young and adult chickens DOMINANT CZ. Note that the ethological features of this bird are also studied by students, graduate students of the agricultural university both in the university vivarium and in the production conditions of LLC “Agrokormservis Plus”.
- Supervision of the behaviour of the repair, hybrid youngsters - 31200 and 350 heads respectively, the parent flock of chickens (10080 units) crosses Dominant Sussex D-104, Dominant Blue D-107, Dominant Black D-149, Dominate Black D-199, Dominance striped D-959 , was carried out in the branch “Pyatigorskiy” of LLC “Agrokormservis plus”, in the “Giaginskoe” and in the vivarium of the faculty of technological management of Stavropol SAU from August 2017 until March 2018, while the basic behavioural acts were taken into account, - Elena Edugartovna specified.
The crosses of DOMINANT CZ chickens are characterized by high adaptability of the bird to different conditions of keeping - climatic (on different continents) and technological (with and without walking on litter, on combined floors, in traditional and improved cages). The live weight of 18-week hybrid youngsters is 1.3-1.6 kg and of roosters is 1.6-2.3 kg, the feed consumption for the cultivation of hybrid chickens is up to 18 weeks 6.0-6.8 kg, the survival rate of the young is 95-97% , adult poultry 93-97%, age 50% - egg-laying 22-24 weeks, peak egg-laying 91-95%, egg-laying on the initial layer of 280-320 pieces, average weight of eggs 62-63 grams, feed consumption per head per day 105 -125 g.
As for the behavioural characteristics of the bird DOMINANT CZ, Professor E. Yepimakhova called the temperament of these chickens strong, balanced, mobile and further detailed the ethological features, whose knowledge, in her opinion, is the basis for economically expedient breeding, content by progressive technologies and production, in the final account, organic products.
Looking, with what knowledge of the matter, they both examined the stunningly beautiful, sturdy and very colourful babies of chickens, capturing the audience around them: “Nothing personal, only business”. Professional interests, the desire for scientific research make scientists, first of all, like-minded people, and this despite the different states and political approaches. If, of course, national economy, bright scientific thought, high-quality product for the population, workers' interests and priorities are placed in priorities: how the segment of the future “Foodnet” market begins today!

Дата новости для фото:  30.03.2018
Номер новости для фото:  8

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