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The teacher of the Stavropol State Agrarian University became the hero of the book-album "Faces of Russia XXI century"


Timur Aisanov, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Production and Processing of Food Products from Plant Raw Materials of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources of SAAU, one of 40 heroes about which the new edition narrates.

The book "Faces of Russia XXI century" will tell readers about the national diversity of the country, our contemporaries of different ethnic origin, their culture and traditions. The Expert Council selected 40 citizens of the country between the ages of 20 and 40. All the heroes of the book are united by the fact that they contribute to the strengthening of interethnic relations, their national culture and Russia as a whole.

The representative of the national-cultural autonomy of the Abazin of the Stavropol Territory Timur Aisanov is the leader of the public youth movement "Abaza", the initiator of numerous charitable actions and social projects, introducing the traditions and way of life of the mountaineers, among them "Where the Abazins live", "The lessons of the mountain etiquette" etc. The project "School of Neighborliness", organized with its active participation, was created for the development of knowledge of local history and history of the region by schoolchildren and youth. Timur also engaged in the preparation and holding of the unifying friends of the Kunaki holiday, which brought together people of different nationalities from both Stavropol and other regions.

Timur is a regular participant of the Abazin action "Caucasian donor", under the motto "We do not shed blood - we share it". Another charitable project with his participation is "Children who need our care," which includes assistance to the orphanage children. Last year, a young scientist and public figure organized and hosted the first forum "Abaza26: tasks and perspectives". In his spare time Timur Aisanov trains everyone who wants one of the most complex languages ​​in the world - Abazin.

For reference:

The book will be published this autumn. Among the heroes of the album "The Faces of Russia of the 21st Century" is another well-known fellow countryman - Chairman of the Council of the Interregional Social Movement of the North Caucasus Federal District "The Union of Peoples of Stavropol" "For Peace in the Caucasus" Arthur Krutalevich. 

Дата новости для фото:  02.04.2018
Номер новости для фото:  2

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