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It is time for the first! In the Stavropol State Agrarian University will determine the "Young Professionals - 2018"


The Agrarian University hosted the opening ceremony of the II University Qualification Championship according to the standards of the Worldskills. During the four competitive days, 51 students of the Stavropol SAU will demonstrate their professionalism in 7 competencies. 45 experts-teachers from different universities and colleges of the country will appreciate the participants of the championship. Competitions will be held on the workplaces of five faculties and the university's training and experimental station.

Before the start

The grand opening of the II qualifying championship "Young Professionals" according to WorldSkills standards began on April 2 with a parade of participants. The official flag of the competition was made by the team of the winners of the 1st National Higher School Championship WorldSkills Russia - 2017 in Moscow: the gold and silver finalists in the competence "Making prototypes" - students of the 3rd and 4th year of the faculty of mechanization of agriculture of StGAU Dmitry Viselev and Artem Seminsky, as well as the bronze medalist Julia Kostrykina, a 2nd year student of the faculty of social and cultural services and tourism, is in charge of "Hotel Administration".

Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Vladimir Trukhachev proudly spoke about the valuable resource of the university. Students who stand in the forefront of WorldSkills Russia, perform brilliantly at national championships, take part in the world, and make contributions from experts - teachers of the State Agrarian University.

So, the graduate of the Faculty of Mechanization of Agriculture Fyodor Zaviyak in 2016 became the winner of IV National championship "Worldskills Russia" (Moscow) under the competence "Making prototypes". In 2017, being a member of the Russian national team, he participated in the 44th World Championship WorldCalls in Abu Dhabi. In the same competence in the final of the V National Championship "Young Professionals" Worldscills Russia in 2017 (Krasnodar) was the leader of the 4th year student Maxim Korolevsky. The winner of the 1st All-Russian Industry Championship of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation for the competence "Veterinary Medicine", which was held in 2017 on the basis of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of SSAU, was its graduate - Alik Hokha, the leading veterinarian of the Stavropol Krai Station for Combating Animal Diseases.

The Center for Youth Innovation Creativity "Vector", acting on the basis of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization of SSAU, is the only accredited specialized competence center in the Stavropol Territory and the first in Russia for the competence "Production of prototypes". Associate Professor of the Department of Mechanics and Computer Graphics Denis Kalugin is a certified expert of the Union "Agency for the Development of Professional Communities and Workers" Young Professionals "in the competence" Production of prototypes ", coach of the national team of the world championship" Kazan - 2019 ". Head of the Department of Tourism and Service Anna Ivolga is a certified expert in the competence of "Hotel Administration". This year, for a number of competencies, the University will take part for the first time in the pilot approbation of the demonstration examinations according to the standards of Worldskills of Russia.

Rector Vladimir Truhachev said that the participants of the II University Qualification Championship according to the standards of the Worldskills will have to demonstrate their professionalism in 7 competencies: Agronomics, Geodesy, Veterinary Medicine, Prototyping, Hotel Administration, Tourism and Entrepreneurship . "Ahead of you is a responsible, tense and difficult work that will require the mobilization of all knowledge, skills and skills!" - he instructed the guys.

Young people are required professionals!

Good luck on the competition grounds participants wished honorable guests, in the past graduates alma mater. Graduated from the Agronomical Faculty in 1985, now First Deputy Prime Minister of the Stavropol Territory Mykola Velikdan told the future representatives of the agro industry about the establishment of the regional government to support young people in every way, which is very much awaited in the real sector of the economy. "You must achieve concrete results!" - N. Velikdan appealed to the young professionals.

To the wishes of the victory, the contestants were joined by the head of the Veterinary Department of the Stavropol Territory Alexander Tregubov, who graduated in 1997 from the Veterinary Department of the Agrarian University; graduate of the economic faculty, now First Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Stavropol Territory, Candidate of Economic Sciences Sergei Izmalkov, as well as Acting Head of the Education Committee of the Administration of Stavropol Angelina Direganova.

The fighting spirit of the participants of the qualifying championship was supported by the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Stavropol Territory Irina Kuvaldina: "Now is a special time, when in our country, as never before, the employees of agriculture are in demand. I wish that you could fully realize yourself - not only at this championship, but in general in life! ". 

For the contribution made by the Stavropol State Administration  

Дата новости для фото:  03.04.2018
Номер новости для фото:  8

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