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Victory at the All-Russian Competition of Achievements of Talented Youth

Students of the Electric Power Department of the Stavropol State Agrarian University of Ukraine Magomed Kaitov and Igor Kalanchuk were awarded with first-degree diplomas for their success in the 12th All-Russian competition "The National Treasure of Russia".
The main purpose of the XII All-Russian competition "National Treasure of Russia" is to attract the most active part of the youth to participate in scientific research, to develop scientific methods and systematize the knowledge gained, to organize intellectual communication of the youth of educational institutions and to exchange information in the sphere of professional interests.
The results of the prestigious competition of 2018 were summed up at the All-Russian Conference, which was held from March 28 to 30 in the Kolomensky District of the Moscow Region. Students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University went to the final together with the Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor of the Department of Electricity in Agriculture Sergei Antonov.
The lecturer of the Electric Power Department S. N. Antonov took an active part in the All-Russian Pedagogical Forum - the scientific and methodological seminar "Education and civil society - priorities of interaction", where he was awarded a diploma for the preparation of the winners of the correspondence round and the prizewinners of the full-time tour of the XII All-Russian Competition for Talented Youth Achievements. Children-contestants were awarded with diplomas of I degree and diplomas of laureates of the correspondence round.
A special diploma for the success achieved by the representatives of the educational organization in the XII All-Russian Competition of Talented Youth Achievements was awarded to the Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev.

For reference:
Participants of the competition can be students of educational organizations, additional education of children; students of universities and colleges; members of scientific societies, the Small Academies of Sciences, creative unions, other children's and youth associations, young scientists (who do not have academic degrees and titles), specialists, scientific institutions, research and production firms, corporations and companies. The age of the contestants is from 14 to 25 years.

Дата новости для фото:  04.04.2018
Номер новости для фото:  1

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