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For start and successful business

An open lecture-discussion in English for potential entrepreneurs took place on April 2 at the Faculty of Economics.
In the discussion devoted to the consideration of various aspects of entrepreneurial activity, students from different courses in the fields of training "Economics" and "Management" and teachers of the Stavropol State Agrarian University took part.
Senior lecturer of the Department of Entrepreneurship and the World Economy, Сandidate of Economic Sciences Darya O. Gracheva raised a number of outstanding questions related to the most common "myths" in the business environment. Are business skills inherited? Is there an "entrepreneurial gene"? Are entrepreneurs so fond of risk? What is the role of charisma? Then the students together with the teacher "went the way" from the birth of the business idea to its final realization, having considered the essential steps to success.
The lesson was held in the form of a lecture-discussion, students actively took part in it, answered the questions posed, and at the end were animatedly discussing: what are the links of the most important component at the start of the business? In the course of the discussion, they found out that this was not a well-crafted business plan, not the identity of the manager, not a qualitative analysis of the market, or even the product or service itself.
The listeners also highly appreciated the debut performance in English of third-year students of the Faculty of Economics (the profile of preparation for the World Economy) Savenkova Victoria and Kishinskaya Yana. The girls acquainted the audience with the international rating Doing Business, an annual survey of the World Bank Group, assessing the ease of doing business on the basis of 10 indicators in 190 countries of the world.
Students of the "World Economy" profile are not new in the practical application of English language knowledge during the educational process. This is evidenced by the preparation for interactive forms of practical training, the analysis of international statistics for the performance of coursework, and ultimately, the protection of final qualification works. For future professional managers, knowledge of English is the most important component that blurs all boundaries, - noted the lecturer D. O. Grachev.

Дата новости для фото:  03.04.2018
Номер новости для фото:  2

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