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Science, business, state: when synergy is possible and preferable


On April 4, the Stavropol State Agrarian University hosted a working meeting of scientists of the University with representatives of the Eurasian technological platform «Food and processing industry technologies of the agro-industrial complex - healthy food products». Issues of effective and mutually beneficial cooperation and information cooperation in all spheres of social and economic, educational and innovative activities of the parties were discussed.

Before the start of the working session, the representatives of the Association of the Eurasian Technological Platform met with the leadership of the Stavropol SAU - Rector, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor V. I. Trukhachev, and also made a tour around the University, having visited the unfolded work sites of the II university qualifying championship in the 7 Worldskills standards competencies. The delegation from Voronezh was impressed by the material and technical base of the Agrarian University, the working mood of not only mentors from among the faculty members, but also the motivation of the students themselves for professional growth.

Communication with scientists from the SSAU was started by the director of the Association «Technologies of food and processing industry of the agroindustrial complex - healthy food products», Doctor of Technical Sciences Alexei Zhuravlyov, who informed the audience about the process of forming the technological platform, its structure, main activities and options for interaction with the agricultural university. He recalled that in the beginning in 2015 the Consortium «Eurasian technological platform Technologies of food and processing industry of agroindustrial complex - healthy food products» was formed. In 2016, the Association of the "Technologies of food and processing industry" was approved by the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission as a priority Eurasian technological platform in the direction of «Food and processing industry technologies of the agro-industrial complex».

At present, 35 Russian universities, 27 research institutes, more than 150 enterprises, Stavropol State Agrarian University among them are already participants of the platform for three years already. Nevertheless, there was a period of active involvement of the university community in joint activities with the platform, including the project and on interactive expert sites. And this synergy of interested parties, together with the opening opportunities, can become extremely effective and in demand in the region and in Russia, able to meet the challenges of the times. This is facilitated by combining the efforts of representatives of business, science and the state in the development of agriculture, food and processing industries.

For information, the platform «Technologies of food and processing industry of the agroindustrial complex - healthy food products» for two years tops the rating of 35 operating in the country technological platforms. Creation of the advanced scientific and technical reserve for the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation, based on «breakthrough» end-to-end agrarian and food technologies, for solving the problems of food security, healthy nutrition of the population and rational nature management is the main goal of the strategic research program of this platform.

A. Zhuravlyov also awarded certificates to scientists of the State Agrarian University, who will be included in the Expert Council of the working group of the Association «Technologies of food and processing industry of the agroindustrial complex - healthy food products». Doctor of Agricultural Sciences A. P. Shutko and S. A. Oleinik, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences V. A. Orobets and Candidate of Technical Sciences E. A. Sosyura received the right to conduct an expert activity for three years. In addition to the expert evaluation of the projects, the participation of scientists in the work of the Expert Council, among the areas of cooperation between the Association and the Stavropol State Agrarian University A. Zhuravlyov told about support and presentation of projects in ministries, foundations, development institutions; free publications in the editions of the technology platform; conducting professional and public accreditation of educational programs; participation in the development of professional standards.

Secretary of the Expert Council Association «Technologies of food and processing industry of the agroindustrial complex - healthy food products» Alexander Marukhin in more details acquainted those present with measures to support scientific projects, including from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the National Technological Initiative, the Innovation Support Fund, the Russian Direct Investment Fund, RUSNANO, the Fund of the industry development, Skolkovo, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the Russian Science Foundation.

Madina Hapsirokova spoke on the need for constant business communication of the platform participants - the value of the initiatives of scientists and the importance of feedback; assistance to the commercialization of the results of intellectual activity, the selection of industrial partners and the creation of consortiums, the representative of the Voronezh business delegation. She stated her readiness for «pumping business» - to promote the introduction of scientific developments in production and «sell something that will be interesting not today, but tomorrow».

By the way, according to M. Khapsirokova, the training and practical laboratory «Insurance store», the foresight center of Sberbank, FabLabVector and other innovative units of SSAU together reminded her of Stanford University in the Silicon Valley, one of the most authoritative in the world.

Further, the communication between scientists from the university and representatives of the Association continued in the «question-answer» mode. The scientific university community was interested in the fate of the «road map» of the program of the prospective market «Foodnet» and the beginning of financing of this sphere; is there a chance to get state support in a platform format for a student scientific society when it comes to horizontal infrastructure projects; where to start and how to match the needs of industrial partners, market requirements, intellectual and material-technical capabilities of the university and other issues.

Now that the bridges are set up and the participants of the platform actually know each other in person, the scientists of the university face the task of bringing their developments to a new level - taking into account the «breakthrough» agrarian and food technologies to solve the problems of the country's food security and healthy food of the population. 

Дата новости для фото:  05.04.2018
Номер новости для фото:  7

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