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Student holiday of professionalism

In the assembly hall of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the closing ceremony of the II high school qualifying championship "Young Professionals - 2018" (Worldskills Russia) was held on the 5th of April.
The new forces are in the ranks of "Worldskills Russia"
During the three stressful days, 51 participants of the championship were able to show themselves in competitions, showing the level of professionalism in 7 competencies: Agronomy, Prototyping, Hotel Administration, Tourism, Veterinary Medicine, Geodesy and Entrepreneurship.  There are in the ranks of the newcomers of the movement "Young professionals (Worldskills Russia)" students of Department of the Electric Power, Department of Economics, Departments of Agrobiology and Land Resources, of Agricultural Mechanization, of Veterinary medicine, of Technological management, of Social and Cultural Service and Tourism.
An unbiased and impartial refereeing, as well as the organization of the competition, was provided by 45 certified, independent technical experts and compatriot experts. They were represented by teachers of the Stavropol State Agrarian University and teachers of higher and secondary vocational schools of Pyatigorsk, Krasnodar, Armavir, Novocherkassk, Tambov and Kazan. In the format of the business program of the university championship, more than 1,200 students of general education schools, colleges and technical schools from 18 cities and districts of Stavropol Territory visited the workplaces of the Agrarian University.
- Six months ago, when we held the 1st All-Russian branch championship of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russian Federation for the competence of Veterinary Medicine and the 1st university qualification championship, participation in Worldskills was a new direction for us. It was the first time, - Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Vladimir I. Trukhachev commented on the completion of the new competitions, - now we can say certainly: Stavropol State Agrarian University has become a full participant in the international movement "Worldskills".
Vladimir Ivanovich also said that the next step in this direction will be the participation of the University in the pilot approbation of the demonstration examinations according to the standards of Worldskills. The technology and methods of preparing the participants of the championship will be used in educational practice by teachers in the training of agricultural students.
Forge of professionals and happy people
The fact that the past days were not out of the lungs, you could see by the faces of a few tired happy finalists of the competition. Well, challenging tasks, strong rivals, constant monitoring by experts and the attention of fans ... Many newcomers did not even expect to become the leaders. However, they were able to demonstrate all their knowledge and skills, showing strong-willed character traits.

- You are real young professionals! - Vladimir I. Trukhachev, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the II high school qualification championship "Young Professionals - 2018" (WorldSkills Russia), addressed to the participants. - I am sure you will have a successful professional future, because each of you truly loves the chosen profession.
Rector of SSAU also thanked the mentors and teachers who helped the guys to prepare themselves for the competitions and perform with dignity: "Dear colleagues, success of your students is a high estimation of your work and this is your joint victory!"
- You are very lucky, because Stavropol SAU is not only a forge of agrarian personnel, but also a forge of real professionals and happy people! - said First Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Stavropol Territory Sergei Izmalkov.
Alma-mater alumnus congratulated students of the 3rd study-year of the Department of Agrobiology and Land Resources, who competed in the competence of Agronomy. The first winner in this direction was Tatyana Berezueva, who scored 530 points, the second prize - Lisitskaya Vladislava (526 points) and the third prizewinner - Aivazov Peter (512 points). With medal for a high level of professionalism was noted Panova Diana (507 points). The teacher of Agrarian and Industrial College from Tambov Region Natalia Kozlova, the certified expert of the competence "Agronomy" acceded to the congratulations.
The awarding ceremony was continued by the Minister of Economic Development of Stavropol Territory Valery Sizov, who congratulated the students of Department of Electric Power and Department of Agricultural Mechanization who distinguished themselves in the competence "Making prototypes." According to the Minister, "this competence is one of the most priority and competitive". The leader of these competitions is the student of the 5th study-year of Department of Agricultural Mechanization (major "Agroengineering") Pavel Popov, who achieved a serious result - 532 points; the second and third places were shared by Samoilov Eduard (514 points) and Trufanov (512 points).
About young specialists, who distinguished themselves in the competence "Administration of the hotel", said Deputy Minister of Tourism and Health Resorts of Stavropol Territory Elena Shkonda. They are students of the 2nd and the 3rd courses of Department of Social and Cultural Service and Tourism in the direction of training "Service". With a score of 540 points, the student of the third study-year Polyakova Oksana took the leading position. Rimma Zubkova took the 2nd place (519 points), the 3rd place - Maria Shevelova (499 points). According to E. Shkonda, the contest helps not only to show their skills but also to teach others: "There is no such level of the championship in any high school of the North Caucasus Federal District!"
The heroes of the following competencies are trained at the same Department but already in the direction of training "Tourism". 531 points were recieved by the winner in the competence of "Tourism" - the student of the 2nd study-year Kristina Danilchenko and Kostrykina Julia.The student of the third study-year Maria Semyonova and the student of the first study-year Alina Ulyeva with the result of 518 points took the 2nd place, the third place was taken by students of the third study-year Alexei Kravchenko and Olga Sorokina (499 points).

Medals of the championship are given to the winners and prize-takers of the competence "Veterinary" by the Head of the Veterinary Department of Stavropol Territory at the second time. Alexander Tregubov, a graduate of the Veterinary Department of SSAU, congratulates the "young professionals" of alma mater with another important step in their life with pleasure. The university record in 555 points in the competence of "Veterinary" was set by Bubenko Valentin, 2nd place was taken by Daria Shipilova (504 points) (they both study at the 4th study year of the Department of Veterinary Medicine); the third place was taken by third-year student Alexander Likhodei (488 points).
Competitors of the competition "Geodesy" were students of Department of Agrobiology and Land Resources of the training "Land Management and Cadastres". In the team matches, the second-year student Tatyana Vereshchinskaya and third-year student Maxim Filimonov were on the leading position. Their result was 537 points. 529 points were scored by Kerimova Asia and Natalia Pulbery, 3rd year students. 500 points is the result of participation in the competence of sophomores Palikyan Angelica and Tarasova Ekaterina, they are in the 3rd place.
Vice-President of the Union "Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Stavropol Territory" Tatiana Nosova noted the professionalism of the guys who competed in the competence of "Entrepreneurship". Third-year students Kovalevskaya Alina and Podlesnaya Yuliya are on the winners' podium (542 points). Students of the 3rd year Logunov Daniil and Mishkhov Aslan - in the 2 nd place (526 points); second-year students Volobuev Egor and Sadovy Eugene - in the third place (491 points).
The hall was greeted with a storm of applause by a united team of certified and key competence experts, as well as by the unorthodox organizers of the Second Worlds Qualification Championship "Worldskills Russia": Denis Kalugin, Anna Ivolga, Egor Kulayev, Dmitry Shevchenko, Olga Sevostyanova, Julia Orel, Karina Mikhailova, Olga Lisova and Mikhail Danilov, many of them are well-known far beyond Stavropol Region.
Atmosphere of this holiday for the newly-made professionals throughout the evening was supported by the creative teams of the University - laureates of national and international festivals ensemble of the folk Cossack song "Lel", vocal studios "Provence" and "Anfas", "Crystal voice of Stavropol" master student of SSAU Galina Naumova, ballet "Stylish tricks" and show project "Modern".
The winners of the II university selection championship will be included in the participants of the Second National Higher School Championship "Young Professionals", which will be held in Moscow in November 2018. We are sure the names of the winners from the Stavropol State Agrarian University will be heard at the world championship on professional skills "Worldskills - 2019" in Kazan. Teachers-mentors, headed by Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University V.I. Truhachev, are convinced of this: "Our guys are leaders who know how to do business. And this is the guarantee of future victories! ".

Дата новости для фото:  06.04.2018
Номер новости для фото:  6

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