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“The most vigorous of body group" among the universities of the regional center is at the Electric Power Department of Stavropol State University

The winners of the city review contest "The Healthiest Group among Higher and Secondary Special Educational Institutions in the City of Stavropol", held in the framework of the annual Health Festival, became the 4th course students of the 2nd group of  Electric Power Department of Stavropol State Agrarian University .
On the eve of the World Health Day, with the victory in the competition, the head of the group, student Ekaterina Konstantinova and the curator of the group, senior lecturer of the Department of electrical engineering, automatics and metrology Maxim Mastepanenko were congratulated by the chairman of the city Duma Georgy Kolyagin.

The first Health Festival started in Stavropol in 2005 and since then it has become an annual festival. The traditional review competition, in which 120 adherents of a healthy lifestyle took part in 2018, is held with the aim of promoting and validating its value among the youth. There are teams of institutions and enterprises of the regional center, as well as families of Stavropol citizens among its participants; all of them competed in 10 nominations.
On April 6, the winners and laureates of the City Health Festival were solemnly celebrated in the administration of the city of Stavropol. Students of the 2nd group of the 4th year study of the electric power faculty of the Stavropol State Agrarian University headed by the curator, associate professor M.A. Mastepanenko, received the winner's diploma and prize sports equipment as the "healthiest" student team.
Future power engineers have proved themselves as adherents of healthy eating and regular sports activities. They took an active part in city events aimed at preventing the use of psychotropic substances, combating bad habits. This team is the organizer of many sports and mass events. In addition, the guys took part in all events held in the city and the region, aimed at promoting healthy lifestyle.
It is well-known that care of health saving and familiarizing with a healthy lifestyle in the Agrarian University is systemic. This is evidenced by the fact that the Stavropol State Agrarian University has repeatedly won the All-Russian competition "The University of Healthy Lifestyle", which is held among higher education institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.
All conditions for health and sports activities are created for students at SSAU, and most of the students are already well aware that the charge of cheerfulness and excellent mood after training is the key to successful study, and all educational, social and creative workloads are on their side. Attention to the students’ and employees’ health of the educational institution, the availability of a modern sports facilities, the organization of health and fitness activities and competitions, the organization of sanitary treatment and medical services, is at the forefront of the management of the agrouniversity, and all initiatives of the youth and the TP aimed at creating a healthy lifestyle are supported.
To all the winners of the Festival of Health of 2018, the administration of the regional center wished good health and new victories, keep up the speed and continue to make Stavropol a healthy, strong and joyful city!

Дата новости для фото:  09.04.2018
Номер новости для фото:  10

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