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The international level in all spheres of activity of agrarian university: steps towards a strategic goal

The Academic Council of the Stavropol State Agrarian University determined the immediate and long-term priorities of international activity and the points of growth.
After scientific degrees and titles - innovative agrarian solutions
At the beginning of the Academic Council meeting, which took place on April 5, the rector of SSAU, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor V.I. Truhachev, on behalf of the entire scientific university community congratulated TP and solemnly presented diplomas on awarding academic degrees and certificates of awarding titles to 13 members of TP of Stavropol State Agrarian University.
With the degree of Doctor of Sciences, the staff congratulated the extraordinary researchers-agrarians. Among them - Sergey Nikolayevich Shlykov, Doctor of Biology, associate professor of the Department of Technology of Production and Processing of Agricultural Products at the Faculty of Technological Management. The sphere of his scientific interests is the production of high-quality beef and the development of rational technologies for meat products with specified properties. In the field of view of the newly-made Doctor of Economics Alexei Bobryshev, associate professor of the Department of Accounting Management Accounting and Finance Department - the theory and methodology of management accounting in the face of economic crisis. Candidate of Technical Sciences Igor Viktorovich Devedorkin, Engineer of the Department of Electricity in Agriculture of the Electric Power Department, substantiated the efficiency of the synchronous generator as part of the autonomous wind power supply system for the sheepfold.
The professor's certificate was given to authoritative scientists, whose names and research results embodied in the practical activities of the best agricultural enterprises and enterprises are well known in the region and beyond. So, the academic title of professor for the scientific specialty "Technologies and Means of Mechanization in Agriculture" was awarded to Nikolay Efimovich Rudenko, Professor of the Department of Processes and Machines in Agribusiness of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization. The title of professor in the scientific specialty "Private zootechny, the technology of production of livestock products" was given to Elena E. Epimakhova, professor of the department of private zootechny, breeding and breeding of animals at the Faculty of Technological Management; a professor in the scientific specialty "Economics and management of the national economy" - Aleksey Nikolayevich Gerasimov, Professor of the Department of Statistics and Econometrics of the Accounting and Finance Department.
The senior lecturer's diploma was awarded to 8 teachers of the university: E. V. Konoplev, assistant professor of the Department of Electricity in Agriculture (on the scientific specialty "Electrotechnologies and electrical equipment in agriculture"); V.V. Samoylenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Automation and Metrology (on the scientific specialty "Automation and Control of Technological Processes and Production"); S.A. Ovsyannikov., Associate Professor of the Department of Processes and Machines in Agribusiness (on the scientific specialty "Technologies and Means of Mechanization in Agriculture"); Kireeva I.V., Associate Professor of the Department of Therapy and Pharmacology (on the scientific specialty "Diagnosis of Diseases and Animal Therapy, Pathology, Oncology and Morphology of Animals"); Steklov A.N., Associate Professor of the Department of Financial Management and Banking (on the specialty "Economics and Management of the National Economy"); Orel Yu. V., Associate Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship and World Economy (in the scientific specialty "Economics and Management of the National Economy"); Kosinova E.A., Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theory and Economics of the AIC (on the specialty "Economics and Management of the National Economy").
International activity of the university: from analytics to development
Further, at the Academic Council the main report "The State and Prospective Directions for the Improvement of International Activities in the Stavropol State Agrarian University" was given by the Head of the International Relations Department, Candidate of Economic Sciences Svyatoslav Serikov. He stressed that the very concept of the development of the international activity of the university is integrated into the Program of Transformation of the State Agrarian University into the Center for Innovative and Technological Development of the Stavropol Territory for 2017-2019.
The speaker particularly focused on such areas of the University's international activities as the development of international cooperation to ensure the competitiveness of the university on the educational services market; international scientific activities, including participation in status scientific events, publication of research results, as well as on the development of academic mobility, attracting foreign students and professionals, and the development and promotion of the university's brand on the international market of educational services.
It was about the results of cooperation in the field of education and research activities with more than 140 foreign universities and organizations from 66 countries in the format of 153 international projects of the reporting year. So, for example, at present the university is implementing a project to open the FARmER master's program "Agromekhatronica" jointly with the University of Ilmenau (Germany). Over the past three years, 93 foreign specialists have been invited to participate in the educational and scientific processes in SSAU, and 445 students in the university have been able to improve their linguistic competence through the university courses "Language Forum". 20 people after the test received a certificate of proficiency in English at the international level in the only in the NCFD Test Center TOEFL on the basis of Stavropol State University.

Due to the active position of Rector, Academician, Professor V.I. Trukhachev university is represented in important international academic communities: Slovak Academy of Agricultural Sciences, European Rectors’ clubs, Oxford Academic Union and other Stavropol SAU joined the Association of language testers in Europe, the Association of universities in Eastern Europe ; Association of Agrarian Universities in the zone of the Silk Road. In the nearest future we are going to join the consortium of agrarian higher schools of the Silk Road and the European Association of Veterinary Education.

In the report it was noted that, for the first time in 2017, the university was included in the international rating of Green Metrics with the 70th university place (the second place in Russia). Nevertheless, the strategic goal of internationalization of the State Agrarian University is to achieve a high international level in all spheres of activity. It can be proved by entering the university in the top 500 best universities in the world, and other leading international rankings, winning the grant competitions of international level, joint research and development of joint educational programs, increasing academic mobility, expanding the geography and cooperation of the spectrum efficiency of a partnership cooperation and expert activity.

The co-speakers on the topic submitted for the discussion were the representatives of the faculties in the face of teachers: Vladimir Samoilenko (Electric Power Faculty), Anna Ivolga (Faculty of socio-cultural service and tourism), Timur Aysanov (Faculty of Agrobiology and land resources, ecology and landscape architecture), Roman Tsygansky (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Technology Management), Natalia Vorobyova (Faculty of Economics), Denis Kalugin (Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization) and Elena Tomilina (Finance and Accounting Faculty).

Among topical proposals for improving the international activities of the university and next steps along this path in the format of the faculties were announced the following: the organization of international training courses for agricultural specialists; scientific advice, peer review and exchange of scientific content; defending of final qualification works in English and protection of intellectual property abroad. For example, the inventors of the Electric Power Faculty have already received a Eurasian patent for an installation for processing seeds by an electric field, the patent protection of which is extended to 9 countries.

There is a need for even more active involvement of young people in various scientific and practical events on the international level. So, a student of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Service and Tourism Serdyukova Darina managed to become a participant from Russia at the III International Youth agricultural summit Youth Ag-Summit - 2017 in Brussels, where her team won the third place. On the agenda was the problem of global food security. At the end of April this year Faculty of Social and Cultural Service and Tourism will hold VI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Sustainable development of the tourist market: international experience and the experience of Russia». 17 foreign scientists will participation in online and full-time and present the results of their research.

Dynamic promotion of the State Agrarian University in the way of improving international activities will make it possible successfully compete with the leading Russian and foreign universities in the market of educational services. One of the positions will be the introduction of double diploma programs with European partner universities - the Slovak Agricultural University (Nitra), the Warsaw University of Natural Sciences and the Technical University of Ilmenau (Germany).

At the end of consideration of the main agenda of the Academic Council, Vice-Rector for scientific and innovative work of the State Agrarian University, Vitaly Morozov and Head of the Center for Management of Education Quality Elena Khokhlova delivered their proposals.

Importance of the internationalization process, which in higher education will have a positive dynamic, stressed in his speech the vice-rector for teaching and educational work, Ivan Vyacheslavovich Atanov. He also reported on the university's preparation for international professional and public accreditation of educational programs in the areas of: Information Systems and Technologies, Operation of Transport-Technological Machines and Complexes, Landscape Architecture (Bachelor's Programs) and Applied Informatics (Master's Program ).

Дата новости для фото:  10.04.2018
Номер новости для фото:  6

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