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Students-agrarians are in the first flight among the regional participants of the All-Russian competition "My country is my Russia"

The leaders of the regional stage of the All-Russian competition of youth author's projects and projects in the field of education aimed at the social and economic development of Russian territories were announced.
The organizer of the contest is the All-Russian Union of Public Associations "Youth Social and Economic Initiatives", with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Russian Academy of Education, the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, the All-Russian Public Educational Organization "Russian Society" Knowledge ", The National Training Foundation, a non-profit organization" Agency for Strategic Initiatives in Advancement of new projects ". In 2018, it is implemented using a grant by the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society provided by the Foundation for Presidential Grants.
This competition is held in order to attract young people to participation in the development of Russian regions, cities and villages: the development and implementation of projects aimed at improving the management of Russian territories, as well as one of the mechanisms for training the personnel reserve for state authorities and local self-government, the real sector of the economy and the scientific and pedagogical sphere. Among the contestants are young people from all regions of the Russian Federation: schoolchildren, students, graduate students, young entrepreneurs and specialists, young public figures and scientists.
Currently, there are students-agrarians in the forefront of the participants of the regional stage of the contest. So, in the nomination "My country" the master of the first year study of accounting and finance faculty, deputy head of the primary trade union organization of Stavropol State University Victoria Svetlichnaya won with the military patriotic project "Quest game "Back to the past." The 3rd year student of the of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization, the chairman of the sports club “Kolos” Maxim Karagichev became the best in the nomination "My Health" with the project "The Regional Spartakiad of Student Teams of the Stavropol Territory". The winner in the same nomination is the fourth-year student of accounting and finance Faculty, the head of the Headquarters of the Volunteer Troops of the SSAU Inna Kuliyeva with the project "Do not waste your tomorrow."
Participation in the second stage of the contest, which will be held until April 20, will be taken only by regional leaders. The distance examination of the projects will determine the participants of the full-time federal stage.
In June 2018, the authors of the best works will gather for the final event, during which the winners of the All-Russian stage of the contest are determined and their names will be announced.
We wish the students of the Stavropol SAU to pass successfully all the stages and win at the all-Russian level of the competition!
For reference:
Over 15 years in the All-Russian competition "My country is my Russia" with projects on the development of Russian cities and villages took part more than 58 thousand people. Taking into account the regional stages in 2018, he total number of participants, is more than 7 thousand people from all regions of the Russian Federation.

Дата новости для фото:  12.04.2018
Номер новости для фото:  1

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