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The project "Reading is the best teaching" is the winner of the School of the Social Design


The educational project "School of the Social Design", organized by the Headquarters of Volunteer Detachments of the Stavropol State University, was completed. Olga Loskutova, a first-year student at the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources, won the competition "The Best Social Project".

On April 9, within the framework of the School of the Social Design, a presentation of projects developed by students in the format of public protection was held. Each team represented a project that was developed following the results of the master classes.

The experts presented at the defense were able to ask questions of interest to participants and evaluate the project in accordance with the criteria for assessing federal grant competitions. Speakers and experts were: a federal expert, a six-time holder of the Grant of the President of the Russian Federation, the head of the project "Campus OO SK" Ivan Skipersky; an expert of the North Caucasus Youth Forum "Mashuk", the head of the public organization "Team of the Stavropol Territory" Alexander Voiskovoy; an expert of the All-Russian contest of youth projects from the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs Rosmolodezh, the head of the public organization Logos Alexey Shapovalov; the head of the delegation of the Stavropol Territory of the North Caucasus Forum "Mashuk" in 2014, 2015, 2016, Yevgeny Arustamov; Grant recipient of "Mashuk" in 2015, 2016 Mariya Tambieva.

As a result, the leader of the contest "The Best Social Project" was determined. The 1st year student of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources Olga Loskutova with the project "Reading is the best teaching" became the winner.

- My project is aimed at increasing the readability among adolescents aged 12-16 years living in social institutions (orphanages, shelters, etc.) through a theatrical literary quest game, - the winner of the competition Olga Loskutova shares. - Within the framework of the project, we will hold meetings and webinars with contemporary writers. As for the School of Social Design itself, this is a great start in writing the first project. The work here is conducted in the form of mentoring. Each item is dealt with in great details and what is very important - by professionals. All this stimulates to refine your project after each lesson, make it better and implement it.

Note that the project "School of theSocial Design" is held for the second time. Last year, the school's graduates won three grants at the federal level, totaling 700,000 rubles. This year the children are aimed at participating in the All-Russian competition of youth projects from the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs Rosmolodezh and in the North Caucasus Forum Mashuk-2018. 

Дата новости для фото:  12.04.2018
Номер новости для фото:  10

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