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We wrote Total dictation


For the third time the Stavropol State Agrarian University gathered lovers of Russian literature in its walls.

On April 14, 2018 in audience 300 of the Department of Socio-Cultural Service and Tourism gathered the participants of the world action "Total dictation". The event was attended by university students, city school students, residents of the Leninsky district of Stavropol. In total, 1048 Stavropol residents took part in writing the dictation on all the city sites. 118 people tried their forces in the walls of the Agrarian University.

The text of the dictation was written by Guzel Jahina, the author of the novel "Zuleikha opens her eyes".

The text was read by the 2nd year student of the Agrobiology and Land Resources Faculty of the Agrarian University, laureate of the international contest "Reader", laureate of the regional festival "Student Spring" Nikita Myagkov.

"Total dictation" is an annual educational action in the form of a voluntary dictation for all comers.

The purpose of the action is to show that being literate is important for every person; convince that it is not easy to learn Russian, but it is fascinating and useful; unite all those who can or want to write and speak in Russian.

This event has already become traditional. It is conducted by the forces of activists and volunteers. The organizer of the action is the fund "Total dictation" (Novosibirsk). Every year the text of the Total dictation is written especially for the action by a well-known writer. Anyone can participate in the Total dictation, regardless of age, sex, education, religion, profession, marital status, interests and political views.

The main organizer of the world action in Agrarian University is traditionally the Institute of Additional Vocational Education and the Department of Socio-Cultural Service and Tourism.

Дата новости для фото:  16.04.2018
Номер новости для фото:  8

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