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From 10 to 15 April in Kaliningrad there was the 9th Open All-Russian Educational Project "SUCCESS Territory"

More than 170 talented young people from 52 regions of Russia took part in the Project.
This is a platform for the development and support of talented and active youth from all over Russia. The main goal of the project is to identify, prepare and promote youth activists in the spheres of social activity, science, government and local authorities, civil society institutions as a competitive personnel reserve.
The Stavropol State Agrarian University was represented by the Deputy Chairman of the student primary trade union organization, a first year undergraduate of Accounting and Finance Department Victoria Svetlichnaya.
Within the framework of the project, training was conducted in the following areas:
- student self-government;
- sports management;
- coaching;
- art-management;
- media.
Victoria became a participant in the field of coaching. Every day, participants were provided with educational trainings, master classes, thematic meetings and discussions, evening events.
"SUCCESS territory of is an excellent platform for growth," – shares her impressions Victoria Svetlichnaya.

Дата новости для фото:  19.04.2018
Номер новости для фото:  7

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