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Stavropol State Agrarian University - participant of the Moscow International Salon of Education – 2018

At the stand of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation within the framework of the Moscow International Salon of Education, which takes place from 18 to 21 April 2018, the exposition of the Stavropol State Agrarian University is presented - the project of the Center for Youth Innovation Creativity FabLab "VECTOR", which has been working in the university since 2014.
The project was presented by:
Sklyarov Sergey - Head of the Department of R & D and Technology Transfer, Associate Professor of the Department of Parasitology and Veterinary and Sanitary Examination, Anatomy and Pathanatomy, named after Professor S.N. Nikolsky;
Kulayev Egor – Ph.D. in Technical Sciences, Acting Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization, Head of the Center for Youth Innovation Creativity Fablab "VECTOR", Associate Professor of the Department of Processes and Machines in Agribusiness;
Seminsky Artem - a top student of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization, the winner of the finals of the first intercollegiate national championship for Worldskills standards for the competence of making prototypes.
During the exhibition they shared the positive experience of teaching students modern production technologies - engineering professions of the future.
On the stand of the university, a modern 3D printer PicasoDesignerX-Pro working on FDM technology was demonstrated - the latest development of the Russian company Picaso 3D. The new 3D printer presented at the exhibition was presented to the Center "VECTOR" by the Executive Director of Picaso 3D company Anisimov Maxim. It was presented for the Center's achievements and use of the entire line of 3D printers of this company in the educational process. In the course of the talks, the participants outlined the ways of further cooperation between the VECTOR Center and Picaso 3D Company for the development of an educational product for effective 3D printing on Picaso 3D printers.
The stand of the University was visited by Miron Sergeyevich Shikalov - Acting. Director of the Department of Science and Technology Policy and Education of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Yuriy Nikolayevich Yegorov - Deputy Director of the Department of Science and Technology Policy and Education of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation; Victor Egorovich Berdyshev - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Chairman of the Federal Educational and Methodological Association in Higher Education in Agriculture, forestry and fisheries.
The Center for Youth Innovation Creativity FabLab "VECTOR" is a platform where students and teachers can model and create any device with the help of digital production technologies.
The center is equipped with the most modern equipment for rapid prototyping - these are modern 3D printers that work on four different technologies of 3D printing, these are high-precision 3D scanners, with the help of which you can get accurate 3D models and do reverse engineering, CNC milling and laser machines, CNC plasma cutting machine, painting equipment and equipment for molding into silicone molds, which allows to organize small-scale production.
In the center, students receive the necessary engineering competencies and professional skills to work on equipment and the most advanced software.
One of the most important directions of the Center's work is the preparation of students in accordance with the requirements of the WorldSkills professional skill standards in the competence "Prototyping". These methods allow annually to assess the level of practical training of students. So, in 2016 and 2017 our students Fyodor Zavyalyk and Maxim Korolevsky won the final of the IV and V National Championships of WorldSkills in the competence "Production of prototypes". The existing equipment and personnel potential allowed the Management of the Union “The Professional Communities and Workforce Development Agency Young Professionals WorldskillsRussia” to conduct monthly training of the Russian National Team before the international competitions on October 15-18, 2017 in Abu Dhabi.
Fyodor Zavyalik is a member of the Russian National Team at the WorldSkills international competitions in the competence of "Making prototypes", which took place in Abu Dhabi on October 15-18, 2017.
Other areas are the development of innovative agricultural machines by the methods of digital production and training of children and young people in modern production technologies, advanced training of engineering personnel for agricultural engineering enterprises.
Since October 4, 2017, the Center has become a specialized competence center accredited by WorldSkills standards with the national status. This is the first specialized competence center in the Stavropol Territory and the only one in Russia, accredited by "Association of the Development of Professional Communities and Workers Young Professionals (WorldskillsRussia)"
University students Dmitry Visilev and Artem Seminsky became winners (gold and silver medals) of the first intercollegiate championship Worldskills 2017 in Moscow.
Every year, the university hosts the WorldSkills Championship on 8 competencies.

Дата новости для фото:  20.04.2018
Номер новости для фото:  16

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