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"Financial fraud: around the bush" - contest of creative ideas

The project "Cautiously - financial swindlers" of students of the Accounting and Financial Faculty of Stavropol State Agrarian University was recognized as the best in the competition of student miniatures of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Stavropol Territory in the nomination "For creative approach".
Within the framework of the All-Russian Week of Financial Literacy aimed at the implementation of the national project of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation "Promoting the level of financial literacy of the population and the development of financial education in the Russian Federation," the regional Ministry of Finance organized a competition of student theater variety miniatures (STVM) "Financial Fraud: around the bush”, the final of which was held on April 19 at the North Caucasus Federal University.
The competition was held to increase the level of financial literacy and intellectual potential of young people in the field of processes, institutions, instruments, financial sector risks; perfection of skills and creative abilities, creativity of thinking of youth student's audience on management of personal financial resources and increase of its financial literacy; attracting public attention to the issues of increasing the financial literacy of Russian citizens in the sphere of banking, finance, taxes, insurance and family budgeting processes.
Within the finals of the contest, their own peers told Stavropol schoolchildren and students how to avoid falling into the tricks of financial fraudsters. Only from the usual audience the master class on financial literacy is transferred to the stage.
Future financiers, bank employees and economists postponed the lecture notes for a few days and turned into actors. The main task of the teams - to talk in an easy and understandable way about how not to become a victim of scammers. Many participants came with a personal story.
The competent jury, which included the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Stavropol Territory - the Minister of Finance of the Stavropol Territory Larisa Kalinchenko, summarized the results of the competition in two stages.
At the first stage, on the basis of viewing the submitted video materials, the jury selected 7 miniatures, claiming to receive prizes and nominations in various thematic categories.
The second stage involved the evaluation of 7 selected miniatures demonstrated by the participating teams on the stage during the closing ceremony of the contest and the identification of the winners.
The jury evaluated the competitive works by the expert evaluation method on a 10-point scale in accordance with the following criteria:
- consistency of work with the declared subject;
- consistency of the regulations;
- high-profile exposure on the topic, clarity of presentation;
- creativity of the STVM number (novelty of the idea, originality, flexibility of thinking, artistry, influence, sincerity, ability to present oneself);
- originality.
A team of 3-year students of the Accounting and Financial Faculty of the Stavropol State Agrarian University (Alabina Tatyana, Brynza Irina, Ekimova Anastasia, Esaulko Konstantin, Zabolotsky Maxim, Kirakosyan Viktoria, Kuznetsova Anastasia, Kucheeva Anastasia, Osipova Sophia, Shavtikova Zalina, Salimonov Sergey), under the leadership of the head of the Finance, Credit and Insurance Business Department I.I. Glotova presented a video and a miniature on the topic "Caution - financial fraudsters".
Fraud with bank cards, inattention when signing a loan agreement or placing bank deposits, excessive credulity in acquiring real estate - a range of topics announced by the contestants was quite wide. In addition to serious financial knowledge, the STVM finalists demonstrated creative approach, acting talent and unlimited sense of humor.
According to the participants, the most important rule is if you do not want to become a victim of the financial pyramid, it is necessary to observe elementary caution, not to trust promises of high incomes, to check all the information provided by the company, to consult specialists.
As a result, the team of the Agrarian University managed to bypass their rivals - teams from the North Caucasus Federal University, secondary vocational and general educational institutions of Stavropol and the Stavropol Territory. The students of the Agrarian University were awarded the winner's diploma in the nomination "For creative approach", and the head of the team of the Accounting and Financial Faculty I.I. Glotov was awarded with the Letter of Appreciation of the Ministry of Finance of the Stavropol Territory.

Дата новости для фото:  20.04.2018
Номер новости для фото:  15

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