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On the 25th of April in 2018 in the Duma of Stavropol region held a solemn ceremony of honoring the winners of the program «UMNIK-2017»

Since 2007 3017 people have become participants of the Federal program "UMNIK" in Stavropol region. Among them 395 post-graduate students and students of higher and secondary vocational education institutions won with the total funding of projects worth more than 177 million rubles. Most of the winners of the program "UMNIK" remain in science or open small innovative enterprises, including universities. Projects often have a high degree of commercialization and are promising for use in real sectors of the economy. Selection of winners is carried out in the directions:
- "Information and computer technologies»,
- "Medicine of the future»,
- "Modern materials and technologies of their creation»,
- "New devices and hardware complexes»,
– «Biotechnologies»
Welcoming remarks: Deputy Prime Minister of the Stavropol territory – Minister of Finance of the Stavropol territory Kalinchenko Larisa Anatolievna And Chairman of the Duma of the Stavropol territory Yagubov Gennady Vladimirovich.
The presentation of the success story was made by the head of the regional office of the Federal Fund for the Promotion of Innovation, doctor of pharmacy, Professor Lyudmila Kuzyakova.
The winners of the program "UMNIK-2017" were 20 people, including 5 representatives of the Stavropol State Agrarian University:
* John Burlak is for the development of a device for the diagnosis of inter-turn insulation of the motor by EMF self-induction on the basis of hardware and software platform Arduino;
* Grabovenko Elizaveta is for the development of the milk cleaning unit for milking machines;
* Onishchenko Artem is for the development of an integrated information system for assessing and predicting the viability of newborn animals;
* Telegina Elena is for the development of a multiplex test system based on a new method of indirect real-time PCR to detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex;
* Alexey Chernikov is for the development of technology to reduce bacterial contamination and dusting of poultry houses with the use of immunostimulatory drugs during the growing of poultry.
The presentation of Stavropol State Agrarian University was made by vice-rector for scientific innovation, professor, the first winner of the program "UMNIK-2007" Vitaly Yurievich Morozov. He greeted all the nominees on behalf of the rector, academician of RAS, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev. He expressed the opinion that Stavropol State Agrarian University sees the participation of young scientists in the program " UMNIK" strategically important task in the implementation of the priority project "Universities as centers of innovation space." So, in 2007-2017 the competition was attended by about 1,200 representatives of the University, the winners were 110 people, 57 among them are employees or graduate students, 34 are defended candidate's dissertation 1 is the dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of doctor of science. Funding for 2007-2017 amounted to more than 50 million rubles.
The program "UMNIK" has become a real springboard for the formation of a pool of innovators Stavropol state agrarian University and personnel reserve of the University.
For the winners of the regional competition "UMNIK" was invited first Deputy Chairman of the Duma of Stavropol region Sudavtsov Dmitry Nikolaevich and Chairman of the Duma Committee of Stavropol region on legislation, state building and local self-government Terekhova Svetlana Alekseevna.
The winners of the "UMNIK" program of the Stavropol territory the Stavropol state agrarian University became:
* Agafonova Nelly is for the development of the browser component "Social Shield" to protect the information track of users in global information networks;
* Danilyan Viktoriya is for the development of technology for the production of blended juice drinks with antioxidant and immunostimulating properties based on biologically active components;
* Dmitry Ivannikov is for the development of a geo-information portal for the processing of aerial and space imagery data for the purpose of regeneration of eroded agricultural lands;
* Nikita Obolensky is for the development of web-based information system for the analysis and forecasting of investment attractiveness of regions;
* Redun Ivan is for development of information system for detection, tracking, identification and classification of video objects on the basis of interactive interaction with security services to prevent attacks;
* Yaroslav Tarasov is for the development of a device for increasing the shelf life of agricultural products by electromagnetic induction.
7 mentors of the winners of the program "UMNIK" of our University were marked by letters of thanks of the Duma of Stavropol Krai.
As part of the award ceremony, an exhibition of innovative projects and samples of innovative products of young scientists – winners of the programs "UMNIK" and "START" was held in the hall of the Stavropol Territory Government.

Дата новости для фото:  25.04.2018
Номер новости для фото:  8

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