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Accounting yesterday, today, always


In an astonishing journey through the history of accounting, on April 24 students of the accounting and financial and economic departments of the Stavropol State Agrarian University left.

The competition, organized by the department of accounting management was attended by two-year student teams of the direction "Economics" of three profiles. To go to an amazing historical journey and compete among themselves, the members of the "FIFO" teams (profile "Accounting, Analysis and Audit"), "Accounting Ulet " (profile "Finance and Credit") and the whole company "Vinni Bukh and all, all, all" (profiles "Economics of Enterprises and Organizations " and "World Economy"). The participants had to pass difficult tests, showing their knowledge of accounting and showing in the competition professional savvy, resourcefulness and creativity.

The contest was evaluated by a jury composed of: Deputy Head of the Department for the Management of Commercial Organizations of the Ministry of Property Relations of the Stavropol Territory Kukhtareva Olga Nikolaevna, Director of LLC «Vina Praskovei 2», Stavropol, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Darienko Zhanna Yurievna, Head of the Chair of Machines and Technologies AIC StGAU, Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences Gritsay Dmitri Ivanovich, Deputy Dean for educational work at the accounting and financial department of StGAU, PhD in Economics, assistant professor Ostapenko Elena Anatolievna.

Contestants surprised all those present not only with their knowledge in the field of accounting, but also with their own compositions devoted to accounting, sketches from student life, and applause, smiles and laughter of spectators became a reward for the participants.

According to the results of 4 stages of the competition ("Welcome", "Blitz-poll", "Captains Contest" Own Account History ", "Homework", "Accounting of Different Times "), the places were distributed as follows: the honorable III place was taken by the team "FIFO" , II place - the team ""Vinni Bukh and all, all, all", the winner was the team "Accounting Ulet". All the teams were awarded with diplomas and sweet prizes. 

Дата новости для фото:  26.04.2018
Номер новости для фото:  4

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