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The department of electrical engineering, automation and metrology participated in the regional NPK "Youth for innovation-2018»

On the 25th of April in 2018, Stavropol State Agrarian University hosted the regional scientific and practical conference "Youth for innovation – 2018". One of the members of the jury was a professor of electrical engineering, automation and metrology of Stavropol GAU I. G. Minaev.
Students of 1-4 courses of electric power faculty and students of the 1st course of the faculty of agrobiology and land resources took part in NPK. They invited guests from FGCO "Stavropol presidential cadet school" and the engineering Institute of Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution "North-Caucasian Federal University". The winners were pupils of cadet school Kudinov E. and Kozhaev R., who made a project on "Face recognition System". Also noted were Sergienko A., Fursov D., Nesterenko D., Iskandarova K. and Labyntsev A. the report was presented in Russian and English on the topic "Technologies for increasing productivity of farm animals on the basis of biophysical methods".

Дата новости для фото:  26.04.2018
Номер новости для фото:  16

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