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Students and young scientists of the Agrarian University are the best, as always!

Researchers of veterinary medicine and technological management faculties of StGAU lead the II stage of the all-Russian competition for the best scientific work among students, postgraduates and young scientists of higher education institutions of the Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation year after year.
The next stage of the annual scientific student competitions was held on 25th of April  at the Dagestan State Agrarian University. Rector of the University, Professor Zaidin Magomedovich Dzhambulatov addressed the participants with a welcoming speech.
The competition Commission in two categories: "Veterinary medicine" for students and "Veterinary science" for graduate students and young scientists from Stavropol State Agrarian University was represented by head of the Department of physiology, Surgery and Obstetrics, doctor of biological Sciences, Professor Russian Academy of Sciences Andrei Nikolaevich Kvocka. Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of chair of private animal science, plant breeding and animal breeding Elena Eduardovna Epimahova worked at the competition Commission, evaluating the work of students in the category "animal science" PhD students and young scientists in the category "Biological Sciences".
First place in the nomination "veterinary" won the 5th year student Elena Kastarnova (supervisor – head of the Department of therapy and pharmacology, doctor of veterinary Sciences, Professor V.A. Orobets). Also participated in this category the 4th year student Victoria Shonenko (scientific supervisor – doctor of veterinary Sciences, Professor of Department of therapy and pharmacology of V. A. Belyaev).
In the nomination "Veterinary Sciences" the best was the post-graduate student of the 3rd year of study Alexey Chernikov, under the leadership of Vice-rector for research and innovation, Professor of Epizootology and Microbiology V. Yu. Morozov won first place!
Dmitry Chervyakov, post-graduate student of the 2nd year of study, in the nomination "Biological Sciences" took first place under the leadership of doctor of biological Sciences, acting head of the Department of Parasitology and veterinary examination, anatomy and patanatomy named after professor S. N. Nicholskiy O. V. Dilekova.
Special attention must be paid to the fact that in the category "animal science" involved is a 1st year student Alexander Gridasov (scientific supervisor – doctor of agricultural Sciences, Professor of chair of private animal husbandry, breeding and animal husbandry E. E. Epimahov), which from the 1st of September in 2017 took an active part in experiments conducted at the faculty of technological management. The logical result was for Sasha to get the third place in a persistent and honest struggle.
Participants of the II stage of the all-Russian competition for the best scientific work among students, postgraduates and young scientists of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of agriculture of Russia thanked the rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, academician of RAS, doctor of agricultural Sciences, doctor of Economics, Professor, Honored scientist of the Russian Federation V. I. Trukhachev for the opportunity to realize their potential in the University and the presentation of research work at such a high level.
The right to be the best in the Russian Federation will be fought by students and postgraduates of faculty of veterinary medicine in the III stage of the all-Russian competition. We wish all participants and their supervisors success and creative victories in prestigious competitions!

Дата новости для фото:  26.04.2018
Номер новости для фото:  20

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