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For practice and future employment

The problem of employment of graduates is very relevant for many educational institutions of higher education. At the faculty of Economics, special attention is paid to this problem a lot of work is being done to promote the employment of graduates and their adaptation in the professional environment. This task can be solved in close cooperation with employers and our strategic partners.
On the 26th of April, at the initiative of the Department of economic theory and Economics of agriculture together with the center for promotion of employment of graduates was organized a meeting of students with representatives of the company "MONOCRYSTAL" (Stavropol) is a subsidiary of diversified industrial concern "Energomera". The company-a global leader in the production of sapphire for the industry of light-emitting diodes and consumer electronics, as well as metallization pastes for solar energy, exports more than 98% of products in more than 25 countries. "MONOCRYSTAL" is an international production company, which perimeter includes 3 plants in Russia and China, Corporate Institute of electronic materials and 5 sales offices in the USA, China, South Korea, Taiwan and Europe. The headquarters of the company is located in Stavropol, the number of employees is more than 1500 people.
Leading Manager of recruitment company Slyadneva Oksana Aleksandrovna and Manager of work with universities and young professionals Petrova Alina Vasilyevna acquainted students with the main activities of the company, development prospects, requirements for professionals involved in the production.
Particular attention of students was drawn to the information about the possibility of practical training at the enterprise "MONOCRYSTAL". The participants of the meeting expressed their readiness to conclude a long-term agreement on cooperation in the field of training, organization and implementation of practices.
Many students as a result of communication with a potential employer interested in possible employment and asked their questions. At the end of the meeting, which was held in a friendly atmosphere, an agreement on strategic cooperation and partnership was signed, as well as an agreement on practical training and further employment of students of Stavropol Sstate Agrarian University in LLC "MONOCRYSTAL" in Stavropol.

Дата новости для фото:  27.04.2018
Номер новости для фото:  14

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