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Regional student scientific and practical conference "Youth for innovation 2018»

On the 25th of April in 2018, the regional student scientific and practical conference "Youth for innovations 2018" was organized and held at the electric power faculty.
The plenary session of the conference "Youth for innovation" was opened by the initiators of the event – representatives of the electric power faculty, who sang the student anthem "Gaudeamus". With welcoming speech to the students asked the Dean of Electric power faculty associate professor M. A., Mostepanenko.
The conference was attended by students of four faculties (the faculty of mechanization of agriculture economic, faculty of agrobiology and land resources and the faculty of technology management) with a 1 in 4 rate, as well as guests from the Federal State "North-Caucasian Federal University", the students of 8-9 classes of the Stavropol presidential cadet school and students of the GBOU SPO "Blagodarnenski Agrotechnical College".
During the conference, participants presented 19 reports on topical issues of scientific interest and practical importance. The presentation of the majority of the projects were complemented with designer models that is certainly increased interest in them.
Students ' performances were evaluated by members of the expert Committee, which included:
Candidate of technical Sciences, Professor of electrical engineering, automatics and Metrology chair Minaev Igor Georgievich;
Doctor of technical Sciences, Professor, Department of physics Jaludin Vladimir Alekseevich;
Candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor of the Department of power supply and operation of electrical equipment Logacheva Elena Anatolievna;
Candidate of physical and mathematical Sciences, associate Professor of physics Yanovsky Alexander Alexandrovich.
As a result, the best research works of students were identified.
Members of the jury praised the performances of students from the Stavropol presidential cadet school.
The first place was shared by the guys from the Stavropol presidential cadet school Kudinov Eduard, Kozhaev Ruslan with the project on "face recognition System" under the guidance of teachers V. B. Kopylov, A. F. Khanova, PA Dokuchaeva and 1st year students of the faculty of electrical Petrishchev Danil and Samoilov Eduard with the work "Modeling of the laboratory stand for testing the adiabatic process" under the guidance of associate professors O. S. Kopylova, S. I. Any assistant and M. A. Afanasyev.
The second place was also shared by two teams of researchers: students from the Stavropol presidential cadet school Dmitry Semenyak and Ilya Markov with a project on "automated 3D scanning System" under the guidance of teacher p. A. Dokuchaeva and 1st year student of the faculty of electricity Kuritsyn Kirill with the project "Industrial injuries at the enterprise" under the guidance of associate Professor L. F. Maslova.
The third place was taken by the 2nd year student of NCFU Shepeleva Anna with the project "influence of dew point temperature on condensation of water vapors of intraluminal barriers" under the guidance of associate Professor E. F. Timofeeva and 1st year student of the faculty of agrobiology and land resources Poltava Eugene with the project "Allelopathic influence of infusions of plant residues of Donnik on the sowing qualities of winter wheat" under the leadership of associate Professor N. S. Chukhlebova.
At the end of the conference all participants were awarded diplomas. The jury awarded the authors of the works that won prizes in the contest with medals and valuable gifts.

Дата новости для фото:  27.04.2018
Номер новости для фото:  7

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