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"Lesson of Courage" in Stavropol State Agrarian University

On April 25, 2018, the Regional Council of War Veterans, Labor, Armed Forces, Law Enforcement Agencies and the Council of Veterans of the Social Organization of War and Labor Veterans of SSAU conducted on the initiative of the Chairman of the Regional Council of Veterans Gonochenko AA. for students of all faculties of the agricultural university "Lesson of Courage", dedicated to the 73rd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.
The event was attended by: Alexey A. Gonochenko - Chairman of the Regional Council of the Stavropol Territory Public Organization of War, Labor, Armed Forces, Law Enforcement Veterans; Sereda Evgeny Ivanovich - Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Leninsky district of the city of Stavropol, lieutenant colonel in reserve, a veteran of the Armed Forces; Zakharchenko Pavel Sergeevich - veteran of the Great Patriotic War, Colonel in reserve, tankman; Ponomarenko Alexander Sergeevich - veteran of the Great Patriotic War; Gusynin Nikolai Gavrilovich - Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Social Organization of War and Labor Veterans of SSAU.
Leader of the "Lesson of Courage" N.G. Guzinin. the first word was given to Naumenko Anatoly, a student of the 1st course of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources, who thanked the participants of the lesson for the educational and patriotic work carried out by the veterans of the war within the walls of the agrouniversity.
A great interest of 250 students participating in this event was shown to the bright and informative speeches of the Chairman of the Regional Council of Veterans A.A. Gonochenko, veterans of the Great Patriotic War Zakharchenko P.S. and Ponomarenko A.S., as well as veteran of the Armed Forces of Russia, chairman of the Council of veterans of the Leninsky district of the city of Stavropol Sereda E.I.
In the absolute silence of a large audience there were words about the heroic pages of the Great Patriotic War, about the strength of the spirit and the unity of the Soviet people fighting for their lives, freedom and sovereignty, about the indefatigable toilers of the rear who forged the tools of war to achieve victory. The summary of all speeches was the idea of what an incredible price the Great Victory was achieved, and hence the sacred duty of all post-war generations, including the current young generation, to remember, honor and be worthy of this heroic feat of the Soviet people. At the study table, in classrooms and scientific laboratories, students must prove how worthy they are of the heroic deed of their great-grandfathers and whether they are ready to be patriots, thus serving faithfully and truthfully to their Fatherland.
The words of the closing address to the veterans of the war and participants of the "Lesson of Courage" of the third-year student of Pirogova Anna, and especially her recitation of the poem about the war of Olga Berggolts, provoked a profound emotional reaction from the audience and even many tears in her eyes.
At the end of the event, the young participants of the lesson presented flowers to the guests of honor as a token of gratitude and photographed for memory.

Дата новости для фото:  28.04.2018
Номер новости для фото:  17

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