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The holiday of solidarity of working people is moving around the country!

On May 1 in the framework of the action "For decent work, for a fair social policy!" a rally was held at the Fortress Mountain, which was dedicated to the Spring and Labor Day!
The festive procession was opened by a member of the FPSK youth council, the chairman of the primary trade union organization of students of SSAU Golovin Nikolai.
Marnopolsky S. is the chairman of the Stavropol regional organization of the trade unions of the agro-industrial complex, Alexander Popov is a veteran of the Stavropol trade union movement, Murashko Nikolai is a member of the State Duma of the Stavropol Territory, congratulated the townspeople on this holiday and called on them to be true to their principles "Unity. Solidarity. Justice."

For all comers, the following sites were organized: the chemical laboratory "Cryo-ice cream", the interactive platform taekwondo "Bars", the interactive site of the GTO, intellectual, dance and others, after which everyone received a prize from the Federation of Trade Unions of the Stavropol Territory.

Creative teams from SSAU performed at this event:
Vocal Studios "Provence" and "Anfas", the collective of folk dance
"Razdolie" and Grebennikova Anastasia performed the vocal solo.

Дата новости для фото:  03.05.2018
Номер новости для фото:  6

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