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On May 4, 2018 in the courtyard of the university a solemn meeting was held. It was dedicated to the 73rd anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people over fascist Germany.

More than two thousand people took part in the rally at the Stella Memory Stavropol State Agrarian University. They are veterans of war and labor, children of war, teachers, employees and students. Among the guests of the university, the students were greeted by flowers: Marin Valentin Vasilievich, a veteran of the Russian Armed Forces, a member of the Veterans Council, an Afghan warrior, a military commissar of the Stavropol Territory, a major general; Nikolay Vladimirovich Bugaychenko, veteran of three wars, associate professor of the Faculty of Mechanization of Agriculture; Zakharchenko Pavel Sergeevich, veteran of the Great Patriotic War, Colonel in reserve, tankman, and many others.
The solemn meeting was opened by the rector of the university, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Vladimir Truhachev: "Dear veterans, dear guests, faculty, students. 73 years have passed since the moment when our fathers and grandfathers procured victory and presented the whole world with peace. Yes, this feat will never be forgotten, and from generation to generation, glory will be passed from mouth to mouth about real men and women, about the best sons and daughters of their country and land that have freed it from fascist evil spirits. Glory to the Russian arms, the power and strength of which eradicated the fascist yoke from our land.
Every year on this day we gather to honor the memory of all those who died in this war, we remember those who, at the cost of their lives, brought peace to our land, we remember students, employees of our university whose names are carved on a commemorative stele and which today stand together with us in the "The Immortal Regiment". We are proud to be involved in heroic events, we are proud of the names of the great sons of our university.
Today is the 73rd spring, the spring of the world and hopes that neither we nor our grandchildren and great-grandchildren will hear bomb explosions, howling the sirens of the night bombing. And let the sky always illuminates the festive salute, the salute of victory and pride for our people, salute of peace, good and joy. A museum of military glory of the university was opened at the university, where every feat was found worthy place, where no one will ever remain indifferent to the great cause of protecting his family, the land, the defense of his Motherland. Eternal glory to you, heroes! "
By tradition, the legendary banner of the Stavropol State Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the Agrarian University was made by the nominal scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation, the master student of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources Dmitry Melnikov and the scholarship holders of the Governor of the Stavropol Territory - the 4th year student of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Service and Tourism Dolgova Julia and a student 3d year of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources Kotova Arina. The right to introduce the Victory Banner was presented to the nominal student of the Academic Council of the University, the third-year student of the Electric Power Faculty Bildienko Dmitry and the scholarship holders of the Academic Council of the University, 4th year student of the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture Shkiry Anastasia and the third year student of the Accounting and Financial department Nazarova Ksenia.
The first to be congratulated by veterans was the soloists of the national academic choir of teachers and staff of the university, performing the beloved military and patriotic songs. But the song about great-grandfathers performed by Vanya and Polina Hasai, which caused deep sincere reaction among those present, sounded especially heartfelt, many of them had tears in their eyes.
A veteran of the Russian Armed Forces, a member of the regional Council of Veterans, an Afghan warrior, a military commissar of the Stavropol Territory, Major-General Marin Valentin Vasilievich took the floor to congratulate the gathered veterans, teachers and students.
The students heard congratulations and instruction from a veteran of three wars, an associate professor of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization Nikolay Bugaychenko.
With words of gratitude and congratulations from the students of the university, talented students performed in various fields of public life of the university: Kuliyeva Inna is the fourth-year student of the Accounting and Financial department, winner of the state award "Hot Heart", winner of the All-Russian competition "Volunteer Russia", winner President of the Russian Federation for the Support of Talented Youth and Nogin Sergey - Head of the Regional Branch of the Youth Organization "Young Guard", Chairman of the Committee on economic development of the Youth Chamber at the Duma of the city of Stavropol, 3rd year student of the faculty of Veterinary Medicine: "The day of the Great Victory is coming! This is a holiday that you gave us with your feat. Your merit is millions of today's lives and a peaceful sky above our heads. Your steadfastness and devotion is an eternal example for us - the modern young generation. Thank you for the fact that today we are learning, for what we love and dream, we create and embody ideas in life! "
Traditionally, the congregation paid tribute to the memory of the employees and students of the university who died at the front and laid a minute of silence on the monument to the stele with the names of the heroes who gave their lives in the battles for the Motherland on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War and brutally tortured and killed during the occupation of the city.
After the solemn part for the veterans of the Great Patriotic War a solemn reception was held with a festive treat.

Дата новости для фото:  04.05.2018
Номер новости для фото:  14

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