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Practical-oriented approach in education for financiers

May 3, 2018 at the Agrarian University for students of the third year of the field of study "Economics", the profile of "Finance and Credit" of Accounting and Finance department in the practice-oriented training АО "Rosselkhozbank" held an adaptation seminar for trainee students "Rosselkhozbank: yesterday, today and tomorrow".
The deputy director of the Stavropol regional branch of АО "Rosselkhozbank" Khudyakova Larissa described the history of the bank, which was founded in 2000 with 100% state capital. The main mission of the bank is to ensure the quality and effective satisfaction of the needs of agricultural producers and the rural population of the Russian Federation in banking products and services, promote the formation and functioning of the modern national credit and financial system of the agro-industrial sector of Russia, and support the development of the agro-industrial complex and rural areas of the Russian Federation.
They said that the bank developed norms and principles for the behavior of bank employees, adopted standards for the appearance of employees, which determine the basic rules of business style and requirements for the appearance of employees. The management of the bank and the heads of departments should create the conditions necessary for the successful implementation of all the principles of the quality management system, ensuring the unity of purpose in providing quality banking products / services and services.
The students asked questions about the possibility of internships and practice in obtaining professional skills in the divisions of Ao Rosselkhozbank. Larisa Sergeyevna answered all the questions of interest. Students who took part in the adaptation workshop received souvenirs from AO Rosselkhozbank.

Дата новости для фото:  04.05.2018
Номер новости для фото:  6

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