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May 4, 2018 in the central square of Lenin was held the traditional track and field relay race, dedicated to the Victory Day, for the prizes of the newspaper “Stavropolskaya Pravda”

The first relay race took place on the first anniversary of the Great Victory in 1946 on the initiative of the editorial staff of “Stavropolka”. It is significant that participants in the relay race-2018 were welcomed by the participant of the very first relay race of 1946, honoured trainer of the USSR and Hero of Labour of Stavropol Boris Buchbinder. The purpose and objectives of the competitions are: the development and popularization of physical culture and mass sport among the residents of the city of Stavropol, as well as perpetuating the memory of the liberators of the city of Stavropol from the Nazi invaders, promoting healthy lifestyles, identifying the strongest teams of competitions. 10 young men and 10 girls of our university ran the oncoming relay, passing each other a baton. Both the team of young men and the team of girls took second place among the universities of the city. Teams were awarded cups and charters of the newspaper “Stavropolskaya Pravda”.
Also a meeting took place and veterans of military actions came out and congratulated everyone on the Day of the Great Victory.

Дата новости для фото:  08.05.2018
Номер новости для фото:  5

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