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We will always remember and thank for the joy of life on earth


On May 8, a concert dedicated to the 73rdanniversary of the Victory Day was held at the Faculties of Veterinary Medicine and Technological Management.

This event will remain in the memory of the audience for a long time because the students of the faculties together with the responsible for artistic amateur activity E.V. Svetlakova were able to convey in her speeches the pain, emotions, the bitterness of loss and the joy of victory, which was won by such incredible efforts.

The first number that the faculty members saw was the scene “Children of War”, then Asya Kulieva sang the song “Roads”, Trukhan Vladislava read the poem “A quarter of the company has already mown ...”. A minute of silence, those present in the first audience honoured the memory of those who died in the battles with fascism.

Every word, every song is not just words about war, it's a story, suffered by a person, family, state ... There were seven sons in the family of the Gazdanovs from the village of Dzuarikau in North Ossetia. One died in 1941 near Moscow. Two more died in the defence of Sevastopol in 1942. Mother did not survive the third funeral, she died. The next three sons of the Gazdanovs fell in battles in Novorossiysk, Kiev, Belarus. The village postman refused to carry the funeral to the last, the seventh son of the Gazdanov, who was killed in the capture of Berlin. And then the elders of the village they went to the house where the father was sitting on the threshold with the only granddaughter in his arms: he saw them and his heart broke ... In 1963 an obelisk was installed in the village in the form of a grieving mother and seven flying birds. The monument was visited by the Dagestani poet Rasul Gamzatov. Impressed by this story, he wrote a poem in his native language, in Avar. And, fortunately, this poem has a quality translation into Russian. It was made by Naum Grebnev, a well-known translator of Eastern poetry. He studied at Litinstitute with Gamzatov after the war and was friends with him. This translation is familiar to everyone - the song “Cranes” performed by Mukhina Ekaterina.

Before the performance of Adogdiyeva Nargiz, the leading Eroshina Anastasia and Samoilenko Victor reminded the audience about the performance of the song “Our Tenth Airborne Battalion” in the film “Belarusian Railway Station”.

Then Grebennikova Anastasia performed with the song “Clouds in blue” and Chemutova Anastasia with the song “About that spring”. Hayrian Arina and Arnold whirled in the dance “Viennese Waltz”, trying to show that even in such a terrible time for the country and the world, everyone wanted to feel a little joy of quiet life.

The final was the number of the third-grade student of school number 43 Khodusov Dmitry “Great-grandfather”, who did not leave anyone indifferent to the first audience of the faculty of veterinary medicine. During the performance of this song the boys carried out portraits of their relatives and friends who participated in the Great Patriotic War.

Valentin S. Skripkin, the dean of the Faculties of Veterinary Medicine and Technology Management, cordially congratulated all employees on the Great Victory Day, wishing health, well-being and a peaceful sky overhead. 

Дата новости для фото:  10.05.2018
Номер новости для фото:  4

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