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Agrarian University welcomes guests of the "Student Spring"


From the morning there a pleasant fuss in SSAU: the university is ready to receive participants of the XXVI All-Russian Festival "Russian Student Spring-2018".

The headquarters of the largest and numerous cultural and huge event in the history of Stavropol is located in the famous 11-storey university hostel-campus No. 5.

This hotel complex with a total area of ​​14.7 thousand square meters for 1000 seats was opened on September 1, 2016. Here, in comfortable modern conditions, students, undergraduates and graduate students of the University live. In the hostel there are separate premises for self-training, equipped with computer equipment with Internet access, sports and exercise rooms, a dining room for 200 seats, student cafes and cafeterias for 120 seats, conference rooms for cultural and scientific events, a hairdresser, a sauna and a medical office services. Each living room has a complete set of furniture, a TV set, a bathroom with a shower. On each floor there is an equipped kitchen.

In addition to the headquarters of the student forum, the delegations of the Republic of Buryatia, Penza and Ulyanovsk regions were accommodated here.

"The living conditions are a separate item in the list of things that pleasantly impressed us in Stavropol," Andrei Sizov and Vladimir Chibilkaev from the Ulyanovsk Region shared their impressions after the settlement. - We met perfectly! All explained, everything was shown, the registration was done without delay. The interiors and amenities of the rooms - above all praise!

- We are already participating in the "Student Spring" for the fourth time, visited different cities, but we were never greeted so warmly and cordially - the participants of the dance group from Buryatia told. - The rooms are so light, so cozy! Better than any hotel rooms. We envy the students of the Agrarian University! We are sure that life in such conditions sets them up only for a positive way, for new achievements in science and creativity.

While the guests are resting on the road, the preparation for the work of the competition grounds and the grand opening ceremony to be held in the evening at the Dynamo Stadium are in full swing at SSAU. 

Дата новости для фото:  15.05.2018
Номер новости для фото:  15

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