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Russian students are united by the spring


At the stadium “Dynamo” of the regional center was the solemn opening ceremony of the XXVI All-Russian Festival “Russian Student Spring”. In the main theatrical performance three thousand volunteers from various creative collectives of the region participated, one third of which were students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

Preparation for the “Student Spring” began long before yesterday's event.

The headquarters of this important cultural event was placed in the famous 11-storey university hostel-campus No. 5. The regional executive management was headed by Nikolai Golovin, Chairperson of the Student's Department of SSAU. From early morning till late night life was boiling here because it was necessary to work out all the seemingly insignificant moments related to accommodation, meals, organization of competitive areas and recreational activities, transport services, security and many others.

The festival was attended by almost three thousand guests from 80 regions of Russia.

The opening ceremony was the largest in the history of this movement. The holiday struck with its enchantment, scope and color.

The beginning was put forward by the performance of the drummers, who set the rhythm of everything that was happening. In front of spectators stretched the giant flag of the Stavropol Territory, the length of the whole stadium, and after the yellow-and-white banner changed the colors of the Russian tricolour.

Bright dancing and song numbers with the participation of the best creative collectives of Stavropol, hundreds of unique costumes, colorful illumination, fountains of water and fire - all this is the result of the hard work of the organizers.

"It is very proud of us to be a part of this grandiose holiday of youth, creativity and spring," said Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev. “The festival invested a lot of energy, energy, imagination, money and even tears and sleepless nights. But the result justifies any investment! Our students once again proved how talented, active, purposeful and responsible they are”, he added.

The ceremony ended with the execution of the anthem of “Russian Student Spring”, and afterwards - an incredible salute painted the sky of Stavropol in different colors.

“Student Spring” will last until May 20, and for now participants are waiting for three competitive days in seven creative areas: “Musical”, “Dance”, “Theater”, “Journalism”, “Video”, “Original Genre”, “Regional Programs”. 

Дата новости для фото:  16.05.2018
Номер новости для фото:  7

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